Darka/School of Obedience/Black Dogs of Darka

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What is a Black Dog of Darka?

I am a Black Dog of Darka, and a loyal servant to our Crown and Law. There is no official “Dog House” (as of yet), but that will change when our numbers grow. I will explain what a Black Dog is…what one thinks…what one feels…and what one does. If you graduate my classes and earn my respect in doing so, you will have the "option" to obtain the Black Dog tattoo on your shoulder, and forever be known throughout Darka as one of the Savage Elite. Let us look into what separates a Normal Mercenary from a Black Dog of Darka.


Though both are fiercely united in the idea of loyalty to Darka, the Black Dogs are fanatical about it to the point of almost criminal. Surly if the King asked of us to murder our own brothers, mothers, sisters or lovers, we would not hesitate in doing so. No inner idea, desire or wish is above the King’s.

A Normal Mercenary is loyal until death as well, but if things turned against him would he be as Loyal as a Black Dog? Would the Mercenary put knife to own throat? Would the mercenary eat a living child like a screaming apple if the king simply wished to be amused? A Black Dog has no fear, disgust or problem with any action to serve our King. Black Dogs are the most loyal pets any leader could ask for. A pack of them can devour an entire army. We have no soul left to give, for it has been given to the crown in our oath to serve, murder and destroy for our King and mighty conqueror.

An order from the crown erases all sense of self. It is why he can trust in us all things of importance. Even our death is willingly provided if asked for.


A Normal Mercenary reserves the colorful right to be of any shade of morality. They could be good, bad, sweet, awful, sometimes cheerful but mostly glum or often giddy and rarely brooding. The Normal Mercenary usually has some light within him or her that can be seen as some form of "humanity". This is welcomed and wonderful when it is still able to grow in a human. But for those who have lost all sensitivity to feeling, regret or mannerisms of goodness, we reserve the title “Black Dog”.

A Black Dog is dark, considered evil or without feeling. He is the master of himself and all his cold emotions. He doesn’t need to control his human heart; he has none.

The Black Dogs of Darka are the shadows of the night that stalk all things to make them suffer if the Law wants it so. As a Black Dog, I can see nothing more enjoyable then bringing death to a warm thing. Without my code of conduct and ability to control my darkness, I would be a lawless maniac, a danger to the entire world, a savage maverick with no allegiance to any realm, man or idea. But I am elite and above common riffraff or pathetic criminal activity. I am a lawful and serving machine of my realm and I bring death at the slightest command. I enjoy seeing things suffer, and I wait with drool hanging from my salivating mouth for the next command to bring death to a living thing…for Darka.


We are all brothers and sisters here in Darka. We die, drink and dwindle together in life, and reign in whatever heavens and hells we find apart. But the Black Dogs are not so. We will never be separated by lines of hells or heavens. We will all rot in the lowest hell imagined, the same hell, the worst hell, the Blackest hell to ever be witnessed by mortal souls, together. For we are truly the most worthy of hell in our desires to destroy, murder and savagely mutilate. We are brothers of a Code, pack and lineage that begins with us in total darkness…and ends with the end of the world in that same darkness. We will never stray from our path towards hell, for we will do whatever shameful, disgusting, evil or wrong thing our Crown could ever ask of us…if the Crown ever needed to ask such a thing.


Graduation from my classes doesn’t insure you as a Black Dog. You must first graduate and then personally seek me, Vatticus Vashmere, for your Dog status. If you truly seek the darkness and most vile of controlled paths, and truly wish to walk Darka as a Savage Elite…then I await your brave words.

If you graduate my class and choose against the title of Dog…you are no looked down upon by me or other Dogs…you simply have failed to learn everything I had to offer you.

With respect, good luck.

Your loyal and serving Dog.

Vashmere 12:01, 22 August 2007 (CEST)