Cuvelier Family/Theuderik/A Revision of The Triumvirate
This revision has been made by priest Theuderik Cuvelier, High Priest of the Church of Ibladesh. The study has been based on personal experience with followers (peasants and nobles) but also a close study of written text stolen from Temples.
However, books that speak of The Triumvirate are rare; it seems to be an oral religion rather than a literal one. They do not have written prayers and they do not have books that explain the various aspects of their "Order" or their "Gods". In fact, studying written text of The Triumvirate is hard and only two sources have been used: An official letter and a Religious Edict from Itorunt. As such, it is obligatory to base a substantial part of your studies on spoken word. Witnessing preaching sessions from their priests would be the best oral source, but also statements from some followers have lead to drawing conclusions.
Core of their belief
The Triumvirati believe in three godesses that represent the realm and the values of Itorunt. Each Goddess represents a season (spring, summer, autumn) and a direction of the wind on a compass (east, south, west). A fourth Godess is not worshipped as she represents the north & the winter, and thus all the bad things in the world. This last goddess can be compared to Kokini, our divine power of shadows. It is remarkable that both the Church of Ibladesh and the Triumvirate have 4 known Higher Powers.
The first difference lies in the fixed gender of the Triumvirati and the worshipping of the fourth God.
As such we can draw our first quick conclusion that this religion is created more to support the realm than vice versa. This is in sheer contrast with the Church of Ibladesh, which is blended into the realm, it being a Theocracy. The idea of worshipping Gods to support a realm includes the fact that it will be very hard to spread your religion to other realms in a peaceful manner. Their religion is based on their realm, while as our realm is based on the Church of Ibladesh and the Higher Powers we worship.
Let us yet not decide that this religion is actually one big scam. First, we should gather some irregularities. They mention three godesses - note they have an outspoken gender, in contrast to us - that represent not only the values of Itorunt, but also the seasons and winds from a compass points. A fourth Godess is not worshipped as she would hold negative aspects. Surprisingly, this fourth Godess could be compared to Kokini, which we do worship and do not fear. It appears to be that the Triumvirati made a bad choice not to worship a deity; it's in the nature of a deity to revenge ignorance.
Further study of their texts is irrelevant. They mention a Lost Scroll found in Zamor, but there are no copies to be found of it. It seems that their religion is currently losing support; their priests have vanished into thin air, most likely to join the army and fight against our armies. One last thing though; the Edict mentions that the Judge should not favor any religion. Clearly, this Edict is not worth any credibility anymore, for the current judge is most certainly a Triumviratus and has repeatedly treathened myself on the base of Religion.