Church Of Ibladesh/The Book of Origin
I - The origin
In the beginning everything was fluid. There was no specific colour, nor was there any form. Inside of this holy fluid mass everything was possible, but nothing yet manifested. Out of this enormous eternal pool of possibilities one divine concept manifested in the Universe. It was the holy concept of diversity and with this ultimate first idea suddenly there were colours, forms and words. First of all the divine energy manifested in four holy bodies. Four names and four colours were created: Ramsus (gold), Sartan (red), Kokini (black) and Tersea (green). The Pantheon was born. From there on the holy concept of diversity got more and more manifested. All the celestial bodies, earth, sun and moon got form and colour. All things and living beings manifested under the control of the divine Pantheon.
Praises be to the concept of diversity! Praises be to our divine pantheon!
II - Ramsus
The first and ultimate colour was gold and our supreme leader Ramsus manifested. He was the one who created all living beings. Every plant, animal and all of mankind are children of Ramsus. He is supreme and at his will everything lives or dies.
III - Sartan
Out of the concept of diversity the second colour emerged. It was red and the divine body of Sartan manifested. Thanks to his divine will the carnivores are predating the herbivores. The concept of war but also the ideals of honour and duty were born.
IV - Kokini
Very near to Sartan another strong colour emerged. It was black and the mighty Kokini appeared. Being both swift and intelligent she brought stealth and mischief to humanity.
V - Tersea
The fourth divine colour was green and in that colour the beautiful body of Tersea manifested. All charming and with great intellect she manifested the concept of trading and the begining of economics.
~ By Aeolus Ironsun