Caligan Courier/March'15

From BattleMaster Wiki
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Printed in Domus
March 2015 Edition
Editor: Caligan Courier


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Tournament in Perdan
Placeholder for story

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Missing Tax Gold in Fontan City
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Secession of Ubent - Myth or Reality
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Caligus Attacks Hamadan
"We had to make one attempt on the walls prior to the secession in order to see if what kind of damage we could cause with our full forces. Unfortunately we were unable to do any lasting damage and so have been forced to resume our wait. It is hoped that some day soon an end will be brought to this rebellion, though for now we must wait and bide our time." - King Cuthbert II of Caligus

The News
Tournament Announced

Fiona Gildre, Queen of Perdan, Royal of Perdan, Duchess of Aix, Margravine of Aix has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Aix 7 days from now.

February 28, 2015