Cagilan Empire/Treaty of Hawthorne

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The Treaty of Hawthorne

I. Preamble

I.a. WHEREAS the Kingdom of Eston has allowed one of its infiltrators to brutally attack the leaders of Coria, Tara, Talerium, and the Cagilan Empire, and then let the perpetrator escape Atamara without punishment.

I.b. WHEREAS King Kerwin of Eston has previously asked for the Duchy of Eaglin during peace negotiations.

I.c. WHEREAS King Kerwin has offered to the Cagilan Empire the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of his realm.

I.d. THEREFORE the Cagilan Empire, on behalf of her allies in this conflict (Talerium, Tara, and Strombran) and herself, offers the following terms of peace to Eston.

II. Exiles

II.a. The Cagilan Empire and her allies hold Royal Justiciar Athena to be primarily responsible for catching and punishing the infiltrator who assaulted our leaders. This is a task that she had promised she would carry out, but she had failed to do so.

II.b. The Cagilan Empire, on behalf of her allies Talerium and Tara, demands that Royal Justiciar Athena immediately resign her positions and titles in Eston, and exile herself from Atamara, never to return. This clause of the treaty must be fulfilled as soon as possible after the signing of the treaty.

II.c. The Cagilan Empire, on behalf of her allies Talerium and Tara, demands that King Kerwin, after fulfilling the terms in section III of this treaty, immediately resign his positions and titles in Eston, and exile himself from Atamara, never to return. The remaining nobles of Eston may then elect a new Ruler of their choosing, but they are still bound by the terms of this treaty.

II.d. This exile will NOT extend to other members of their families.

III. Territory

III.a. Eston will formally, publicly, and permanently release the Duchy of Hawthorne as an independent realm. The new realm will consist of the regions of Hawthorne, Agnilar, Loratil, Slantrax, Saradic, and Melias. Its nobles may choose a realm name other than “Hawthorne” if they wish, provided that it is not profane. Its nobles may choose their Ruler and government system as they wish, but they are still bound by the terms of this treaty.

III.b. Eston will formally, publicly, and permanently cede the region of Nazamroth to Talerium.

III.c. Eston will formally, publicly, and permanently cede the region of Anost to Coria.

III.d. Eston will formally, publicly, and permanently cede to Rieleston the following regions: Ashmoor, Beleground, and Elost.

III.e. Eston will formally, publicly, and permanently cede the region of Nazia to the Cagilan Empire.

III.f. The Cagilan Empire recognizes Eston's continuing claims to the following regions: Dondor, Amdor, Meneriel, and Barad Lacirith.

III.g. Eston has twelve (12) days after the signing of the treaty to fulfill the clauses in this section of the treaty, one day for each region that Eston is being forced to cede.

IV. Diplomacy

IV.a. Eston will break her diplomatic ties with Darka and the Barony of Makar. Eston may not ally with Darka or the Barony of Makar for a period of at least six (6) months.

IV.b. Hawthorne may not ally with Darka or the Barony of Makar for a period of at least six (6) months.

IV.c. Eston and Hawthorne will NOT give military passage rights to Darka or the Barony of Makar, for a period of at least six (6) months.

IV.d. Eston and Hawthorne will adopt a diplomatic status of peace or better with Talerium, Tara, Strombran, Coria, Rieleston, and the Cagilan Empire, for a period of at least nine (9) months.

IV.e. Eston and Hawthorne will give full passage rights to Talerium, Tara, Strombran, Coria, Rieleston, and the Cagilan Empire, for a period of at least nine (9) months.

IV.f. Eston and Hawthorne will NOT be made into vassals or protectorates. After a period of nine (9) months, they are free to change their diplomatic policies as they see fit.

IV.g. If Eston or Hawthorne is attacked without provocation within the next six (6) months, the Cagilan Empire will offer her protection to them, provided that the Cagilan Empire is not already busy aiding an ally.

V. War Reparations

V.a. The Cagilan Empire and her allies do not demand monetary compensation from Eston.