Brennaborg Family/Marcus D Luffy

From BattleMaster Wiki

Marcus was born in the year before the Great Monster Invasion as the oldest son of Lucas D Luffy and Susan of Dyzig. Although his mother arranged him a political marriage to the sister of Lowry Cameron, Marcus never cared much for politics and preferred to study military strategy. When Westgard initiated the Gold Sea Conflict, Marcus left his home in Libidizedd and joined Westgard.

Thanks to his marriage, Marcus became Senator of Sabadell, when Lowry Cameron received Ammando. Having learned much about war, Marcus realized he had to make the peasants more adapt at self defence. He instigated military reforms to secure the northern part of Sabadell, resulting in the building of the Brennaborg and enforcing all men to train with the bow. When his father died, he return to Libidizedd to take over his trade imperium. He made sure Sabadell was given to Meginhard, who was married to his daughter Desirée.