Black Canon of Time

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Book
Discovered By Haggard
Discovery Date 2024-09-15
Discovery Location Barad Falas, Atamara
Abilities Prestige +5
Current Owner Haggard

The Black Canon of Time is an account of the history of the world, from its inception by the Supreme God Khagistar as a home for his son Alluran and his daughter Denariel to gather righteous souls for The Final Battle, through to its final destruction following the End of Days.

The Canon is a large folio, bearing the imprint of a long-defunct publisher who didn't deign to include either a publication date or origin. The pages comprise a thick, absorbent paper with a course grain, formed from the acid-blasted pulp of an unknown tree, and yet despite their crude manufacture they appear impervious to stain or flame.

Each page is printed in an obscure gothic script, the black ink of sufficient stickiness that during the printing process many letters smeared into near-illegibility. And yet strangely the woodcut illustrations are as crisp as the finest draughtsman's penmanship, and the text almost seems to speak itself into the interested reader's thoughts, evoking images of surreal complexity.

To read but a few pages is to be filled with the unsettling sensation that what was, and is, and will be, all is foreknown yet not in the least fore-ordained. However even the greatest of mortal minds struggle to tie together the thousands of overlapping skeins of knowledge which thread their way through the Canon.

The prefix contains an admonition to those who read the Canon to share it far and wide, warning of the dire eternal consequences should they choose to keep its insights to themselves.