Betrayal! Deceit! All Lost! I Quit!
This page attempts to provide you some mentality consultations in order to rid of your negative emotions that might be produced when countering by your fellow playmates during the course of game playing.
- No one talks to me! This unfriendly realm is the pits!
- Have you tried to initiate a conversation with anyone else privately? Usually you will get a higher responsive rate when the messages are directed specifically to someone alone.
- I dunno why but this jerk always goes against me!
- Try to find out why. Talk to the player to see if he or she is roleplaying something, which is most likely the case. If unfortunately, you find out that the reason lying behind is of OOC origins, try to convince that player into discovering his or her own errors in not separating IC and OOC well enough. If all in vain, you should ask for helps from the Council Members of your realm, perhaps the Ruler or the Judge in specific.
- This is usually a problem with new players who take offensive messages personally who aren't yet into the whole IC/OOC thing. If you're new and you're having this problem this is just your personal psychology. The best way to enjoy battlemaster is let yourself know the whole IC/OOC thing and make friends with all players. I used to get very offended when I first started playing but now I get along with all the players even if in IC enemy or no enemy. - Shenron
- Asked/Ran for positions numerous times, all foiled!
- Well, is this not something very natural which you might as well could encounter in the real life, no? Though seriously, there are so many nobles and so few positions, and typically you will not be the only one interested in the title. Usually in such scenario, familiar names will be considered by people first. Ask yourself whether your character is a familiar figure to your realm mates, whether your character is experienced enough, or whether your character has already spent some amount of time in this realm. If you have met all of the above, perhaps you are only having a bad luck that every time, guys simply better than you got interested in the position as well. Remember, this is only a game. Do not let a virtual title possess your mentality health too much.
- Ouch well the above pretty much sums it up. The main thing about getting positions is your character being the most deserving for it. There has been cases where people have had good luck and been appointed/elected with a huge messages showing how smart they are but usually an experienced realm-goer will have a much better chance of getting a positions saying a simple sentence asking for it than a new person sending a encyclopaedia of why they should be appointed/elected. - Shenron
- What is this! They fined me for speaking the truth!
- Yes, what it is. Read below for far worse cases.
- lol, again the whole IC/OOC thing. Try not to take it personally. One of my favourite mad judges was Georgyboy the Militant. The person who played him knew battlemaster well. He fined half the realm and we took it as an offence IC but OOC we're still good friends as always. - Shenron