Beluaterra/Exiled Trinity/Battle in Firbalt 10/31/2024

From BattleMaster Wiki
Battle of Firbalt
Part of Irondale

Date 10/31/2024
Location Firbalt
Weather Quite windy
Result After 7 rounds, Attacker Victory
Attackers Defenders
Exiled Trinity Irondale
10992 other 198 Inf, 290 MI, 240 Arch, 84 Cav, 77 SF
682 445

Battle in Firbalt

No.RoleArmyUnitCommanderRealmUnitFormationCSHits ScoredSoldiers killedSoldiers lost
1ABrittle Daimon Bones(Undead)Exiled Trinity1289 otherline  368858914101
2ABrittle Daimon Bones I(Undead)Exiled Trinity1328 otherskirmish  37302112211
3ARed Marble Bishops I(Daimons)Exiled Trinity106 otherskirmish  588764911710
4ARed Marble Knights III(Daimons)Exiled Trinity500 otherskirmish  100668118217115
5ARed Marble Knights IV(Daimons)Exiled Trinity295 otherline  699318533127
6AUndead LegionGreen MarbleExiled Trinity6250 otherskirmish  8320190102
7AVast Army of DaimonsDar-LamExiled Trinity405 otherskirmish  10794276460102
8AWhite Marble Bishops III(Daimons)Exiled Trinity19 otherskirmish  14702059560
9AWhite Marble Pawns XI(Daimons)Exiled Trinity200 otherskirmish  3815923222
10AWhite Marble Pawns XII(Daimons)Exiled Trinity200 otherskirmish  3766638150
11AWhite Marble Pawns XIII(Daimons)Exiled Trinity400 otherskirmish  490711182622
12DArch 2(militia/guard unit)Irondale26 Archline  4026881420
13Darch1(militia/guard unit)Irondale22 Archline  359714230
14DCobalt DeadeyesAdelaIrondale142 Archskirmish  1705232967132
15DHeen Longbows(militia/guard unit)Irondale50 Archline  63912823021
16DHunting PackHaakonIrondale198 Infwedge  2725785220085
17DIron Maiden Company(militia/guard unit)Irondale84 Cavline  101526307430
18DPillow FluffersLazy TessIrondale23 MIwedge  472219714
19DSpecials 1(militia/guard unit)Irondale17 SFline  4261254381
20DSpecials 2(militia/guard unit)Irondale19 SFline  4741084353
21DSpecials 3(militia/guard unit)Irondale19 SFline  4741365446
22DSpecials 4(militia/guard unit)Irondale22 SFline  5191758582
23DStalwart SticksRemusIrondale217 MIskirmish  2042295896130
24DTorMI(militia/guard unit)Irondale50 MIline  365507131

11 attackers (10992 other)
13 defenders (198 Inf, 290 MI, 240 Arch, 84 Cav, 77 SF)
Total combat strengths: 63436 vs. 11617

The region owner Irondale and their allies defend.
The Exiled Trinity troops attack because they are at war with Irondale.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
The defenders take up positions inside the Fortress (5).

Count Dar-Lam is spotted reading from the Battered Compendium of Goathair.
Facing the Daimons without any unique items, the defenders suffer a morale penalty.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

 5 (295-D)
6 (6250-U)
 3 (106-D)
8 (19-D)
1 (1289-U)
2 (1328-U)
4 (500-D)
7 (405-D)
9 (200-D)
10 (200-D)
11 (400-D)
 14 (142-A)
23 (217-M)
12 (26-A)
13 (22-A)
15 (50-A)
16 (198-I)
17 (84-C)
19 (17-S)
20 (19-S)
21 (19-S)
22 (22-S)
24 (50-M)
 18 (23-M)

Specials 2 (20) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 96 hits.
Red Marble Knights III (4) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 1225 hits.
Vast Army of Daimons (7) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
Specials 3 (21) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 158 hits.
White Marble Pawns XII (10) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 124 hits.
Specials 4 (22) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 185 hits.
TorMI (24) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 60 hits.
Red Marble Bishops I (3) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 1250 hits.
Stalwart Sticks (23) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 591 hits.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 690 hits.
Pillow Fluffers (18) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 78 hits.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 143 hits.
Arch 2 (12) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 116 hits.
arch1 (13) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 118 hits.
Heen Longbows (15) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 142 hits.
Specials 1 (19) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 211 hits.
White Marble Bishops III (8) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 300 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2367, Defenders: 3120
Iron Maiden Company (17) leave their fortified positions and attack the enemy
Red Marble Knights IV (5) fly towards the defenders.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2), Undead Legion (6) and Brittle Daimon Bones (1) advance towards the enemy.
Hunting Pack (16) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
Vast Army of Daimons (7) score 636 hits on Iron Maiden Company (17) (2465 before overkill).
Iron Maiden Company (17) score 487 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Iron Maiden Company (17) score 751 hits on Vast Army of Daimons (7).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 100 hits on Iron Maiden Company (17) (389 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1238, Defenders: 736 (2854 before overkill)

Vast Army of Daimons (7) take 3118 hits (751 in close combat, 2367 from archer fire), which cause 42 casualties.
Dar-Lam has been wounded by Iron Maiden Company (17).
Iron Maiden Company (17) take 736 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties.
Stalwart Sticks (23) take 1119 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 34 casualties.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) take 881 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 27 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) take 487 hits in close combat, which cause 17 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3605 (1238 from close combat and 2367 from ranged), Defenders: 2736 (736 from close combat and 2000 from ranged)
Total casualties: 59 attackers, 77 defenders

Turn No. 2

  6 (6250-U)
3 (106-D)
5 (295-D)
8 (19-D)
4 (500-D)
9 (200-D)
10 (200-D)
11 (400-D)
1 (1272-U)
2 (1328-U)
7 (363-D)
17 (68-C)
14 (115-A)
16 (198-I)
23 (183-M)
12 (26-A)
13 (22-A)
15 (50-A)
19 (17-S)
20 (19-S)
21 (19-S)
22 (22-S)
24 (50-M)
 18 (23-M)

arch1 (13) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 78 hits.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) fire on Hunting Pack (16), scoring 213 hits.
Specials 1 (19) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 76 hits.
Specials 2 (20) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 72 hits.
Stalwart Sticks (23) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 491 hits.
Specials 4 (22) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 143 hits.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 479 hits.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) fire on Hunting Pack (16), scoring 227 hits.
Specials 3 (21) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 102 hits.
Pillow Fluffers (18) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Heen Longbows (15) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 112 hits.
TorMI (24) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 48 hits.
Red Marble Bishops I (3) fire on Hunting Pack (16), scoring 1493 hits.
White Marble Bishops III (8) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 300 hits.
Red Marble Knights III (4) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 1061 hits.
White Marble Pawns XII (10) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 118 hits.
Arch 2 (12) fire on White Marble Pawns XIII (11), scoring 50 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1651, Defenders: 3412
Red Marble Knights IV (5) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) scale the fortifications (reduced combat effectiveness for this turn).
Undead Legion (6) advance towards the enemy.
Vast Army of Daimons (7) and Red Marble Knights IV (5) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 62 hits on Iron Maiden Company (17) (255 before overkill).
Iron Maiden Company (17) score 569 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 569, Defenders: 62 (255 before overkill)

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
3 Irondale banners are visible in the melee.
Stalwart Sticks (23) score 352 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 11 hits on Stalwart Sticks (23).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 8 hits on Hunting Pack (16).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 7 hits on Cobalt Deadeyes (14).
Hunting Pack (16) score 2181 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) score 249 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2782, Defenders: 26

White Marble Pawns XIII (11) take 50 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) take 569 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties.
Stalwart Sticks (23) take 275 hits (7 in close combat, 268 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) take 2782 hits in close combat, which cause 124 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Hunting Pack (16) take 1244 hits (5 in close combat, 1239 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 19 casualties.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) take 684 hits (4 in close combat, 680 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 21 casualties.
Adela Brennaborg, Minister of Defense of Irondale, Duchess of the Verdant Halls, Countess of Torhas been wounded by Red Marble Knights III (4).
Red Marble Knights III (4) take 1601 hits from archer fire, which cause 51 casualties.
Iron Maiden Company (17) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5002 (3351 from close combat and 1651 from ranged), Defenders: 2265 (78 from close combat and 2187 from ranged)
Total casualties: 197 attackers, 49 defenders

Turn No. 3

   3 (106-D)
6 (6250-U)
8 (19-D)
4 (449-D)
9 (200-D)
10 (200-D)
11 (398-D)
1 (1252-U)
2 (1204-U)
5 (295-D)
7 (363-D)
17 (67-C)
14 (94-A)
16 (179-I)
23 (175-M)
12 (26-A)
13 (22-A)
15 (50-A)
19 (17-S)
20 (19-S)
21 (19-S)
22 (22-S)
24 (50-M)
 18 (23-M)

Specials 1 (19) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 102 hits.
White Marble Pawns XII (10) fire on Hunting Pack (16), scoring 160 hits.
Specials 2 (20) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 93 hits.
Pillow Fluffers (18) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Specials 3 (21) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 180 hits.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 233 hits.
arch1 (13) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 80 hits.
Specials 4 (22) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 90 hits.
Red Marble Knights III (4) fire on Hunting Pack (16), scoring 1285 hits.
Heen Longbows (15) fire on White Marble Pawns XIII (11), scoring 116 hits.
Stalwart Sticks (23) fire on White Marble Pawns XIII (11), scoring 439 hits.
TorMI (24) fire on White Marble Pawns XI (9), scoring 55 hits.
Arch 2 (12) fire on White Marble Pawns XIII (11), scoring 74 hits.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 67 hits.
Red Marble Bishops I (3) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 550 hits.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 183 hits.
White Marble Bishops III (8) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 337 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1462, Defenders: 2582
Red Marble Knights IV (5) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
Hunting Pack (16) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Undead Legion (6) advance towards the enemy.
Vast Army of Daimons (7) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
3 Irondale banners are visible in the melee.
Hunting Pack (16) score 1644 hits on Vast Army of Daimons (7).
Hunting Pack (16) score 1669 hits on Red Marble Knights IV (5).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 28 hits on Iron Maiden Company (17) (115 before overkill).
Iron Maiden Company (17) score 226 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Iron Maiden Company (17) score 192 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Red Marble Knights IV (5) score 1417 hits on Hunting Pack (16) (2561 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 81 hits on Iron Maiden Company (17) (329 before overkill).
Vast Army of Daimons (7) score 712 hits on Hunting Pack (16) (1288 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3731, Defenders: 2238 (4293 before overkill)

Hunting Pack (16) take 3574 hits (2129 in close combat, 1445 from archer fire), which cause 55 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) take 192 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties.
Iron Maiden Company (17) take 109 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Red Marble Knights IV (5) take 1669 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) take 226 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) take 333 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Red Marble Knights III (4) take 778 hits from archer fire, which cause 25 casualties.
Stalwart Sticks (23) take 396 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 12 casualties.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) take 55 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) take 629 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties.
Vast Army of Daimons (7) take 1644 hits in close combat, which cause 22 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 5193 (3731 from close combat and 1462 from ranged), Defenders: 4412 (2238 from close combat and 2174 from ranged)
Total casualties: 104 attackers, 79 defenders

Turn No. 4

   3 (106-D)
8 (19-D)
4 (424-D)
6 (6250-U)
9 (198-D)
10 (200-D)
11 (378-D)
1 (1244-U)
2 (1195-U)
5 (277-D)
7 (341-D)
16 (124-I)
17 (65-C)
14 (84-A)
23 (163-M)
12 (26-A)
13 (22-A)
15 (50-A)
19 (17-S)
20 (19-S)
21 (19-S)
22 (22-S)
24 (50-M)
 18 (23-M)

Red Marble Bishops I (3) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 1526 hits.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 186 hits.
White Marble Pawns XII (10) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 69 hits.
Specials 3 (21) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 89 hits.
Arch 2 (12) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 67 hits.
arch1 (13) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 61 hits.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 134 hits.
Heen Longbows (15) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 126 hits.
Specials 2 (20) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 195 hits.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 384 hits.
Pillow Fluffers (18) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Specials 1 (19) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 148 hits.
Specials 4 (22) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 213 hits.
Stalwart Sticks (23) fire on Red Marble Knights III (4), scoring 488 hits.
TorMI (24) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 42 hits.
White Marble Bishops III (8) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 407 hits.
Red Marble Knights III (4) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 1586 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1813, Defenders: 3908
Undead Legion (6) advance towards the enemy.
Undead Legion (6) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Center Line):
3 Irondale banners are visible in the melee.
Iron Maiden Company (17) score 216 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Iron Maiden Company (17) score 189 hits on Red Marble Knights IV (5).
Vast Army of Daimons (7) score 611 hits on Hunting Pack (16) (1545 before overkill).
Red Marble Knights IV (5) score 436 hits on Iron Maiden Company (17) (1743 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 94 hits on Hunting Pack (16) (238 before overkill).
Hunting Pack (16) score 1339 hits on Vast Army of Daimons (7).
Hunting Pack (16) score 1019 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 79 hits on Iron Maiden Company (17) (314 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2763, Defenders: 1220 (3840 before overkill)

Iron Maiden Company (17) take 515 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Vast Army of Daimons (7) take 1339 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties.
Red Marble Knights IV (5) take 189 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) take 1019 hits in close combat, which cause 45 casualties.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) take 1527 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 46 casualties.
Adela Brennaborg, Minister of Defense of Irondale, Duchess of the Verdant Halls, Countess of Torhas been wounded by White Marble Bishops III (8).
Undead Legion (6) take 508 hits from archer fire, which cause 23 casualties.
Hunting Pack (16) take 705 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Stalwart Sticks (23) take 978 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 30 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) take 216 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.
Red Marble Knights III (4) take 1215 hits from archer fire, which cause 39 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4486 (2763 from close combat and 1723 from ranged), Defenders: 3725 (1220 from close combat and 2505 from ranged)
Total casualties: 135 attackers, 98 defenders

Turn No. 5

   3 (106-D)
8 (19-D)
4 (385-D)
9 (198-D)
10 (200-D)
11 (378-D)
1 (1236-U)
2 (1150-U)
5 (275-D)
6 (6227-U)
7 (323-D)
14 (38-A)
23 (133-M)
12 (26-A)
13 (22-A)
15 (50-A)
19 (17-S)
20 (19-S)
21 (19-S)
22 (22-S)
24 (50-M)
 18 (23-M)

Vast Army of Daimons (7) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 805 hits.
Pillow Fluffers (18) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Specials 1 (19) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 185 hits.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 97 hits.
White Marble Pawns XII (10) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 76 hits.
arch1 (13) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 111 hits.
Specials 4 (22) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 242 hits.
White Marble Bishops III (8) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 299 hits.
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 220 hits.
Specials 3 (21) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 326 hits.
TorMI (24) fire on Red Marble Knights IV (5), scoring 131 hits.
Arch 2 (12) fire on Red Marble Knights IV (5), scoring 192 hits.
Stalwart Sticks (23) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 307 hits.
Heen Longbows (15) fire on Red Marble Knights IV (5), scoring 317 hits.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 204 hits.
Specials 2 (20) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 169 hits.
Red Marble Knights III (4) fire on Stalwart Sticks (23), scoring 1510 hits.
Red Marble Bishops I (3) fire on Cobalt Deadeyes (14), scoring 746 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2200, Defenders: 3737
Red Marble Knights IV (5) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) scale the fortifications (reduced combat effectiveness for this turn).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) scale the fortifications (reduced combat effectiveness for this turn).
Undead Legion (6) scale the fortifications (reduced combat effectiveness for this turn).

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
Cobalt Deadeyes (14) score 74 hits on Undead Legion (6).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 9 hits on Stalwart Sticks (23) (20 before overkill).
Stalwart Sticks (23) score 136 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Stalwart Sticks (23) score 154 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 19 hits on Stalwart Sticks (23) (42 before overkill).
Undead Legion (6) score 4 hits on Cobalt Deadeyes (14) (64 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 364, Defenders: 32 (126 before overkill)

Cobalt Deadeyes (14) take 915 hits (3 in close combat, 912 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 28 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) take 154 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Stalwart Sticks (23) take 1502 hits (18 in close combat, 1484 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 46 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Remus Prestongreen, Hierophant of Irondale, Royal of Irondale, Duke of Prisma Noctis, Baron of Watersdownhas been wounded by Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Red Marble Knights IV (5) take 640 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) take 136 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Undead Legion (6) take 1400 hits (74 in close combat, 1326 from archer fire), which cause 62 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2330 (364 from close combat and 1966 from ranged), Defenders: 2417 (21 from close combat and 2396 from ranged)
Total casualties: 81 attackers, 74 defenders

Turn No. 6

   3 (106-D)
8 (19-D)
4 (385-D)
9 (198-D)
10 (200-D)
11 (378-D)
5 (268-D)
6 (6165-U)
7 (323-D)
1 (1231-U)
2 (1143-U)
12 (26-A)
13 (22-A)
15 (50-A)
19 (17-S)
20 (19-S)
21 (19-S)
22 (22-S)
24 (50-M)
 18 (23-M)

Vast Army of Daimons (7) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
Specials 1 (19) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 252 hits.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) fire on Heen Longbows (15), scoring 170 hits.
arch1 (13) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 91 hits.
TorMI (24) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 58 hits.
Pillow Fluffers (18) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 116 hits.
Specials 4 (22) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 301 hits.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) fire on Specials 2 (20), scoring 195 hits.
White Marble Bishops III (8) fire on Specials 3 (21), scoring 416 hits.
Specials 2 (20) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 238 hits.
White Marble Pawns XII (10) fire on Arch 2 (12), scoring 56 hits.
Red Marble Knights III (4) fire on Heen Longbows (15), scoring 791 hits.
Red Marble Bishops I (3) fire on Arch 2 (12), scoring 926 hits.
Arch 2 (12) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 123 hits.
Heen Longbows (15) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 206 hits.
Specials 3 (21) fire on Vast Army of Daimons (7), scoring 125 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1510, Defenders: 2554
Red Marble Knights IV (5) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
Undead Legion (6) scale the fortifications (reduced combat effectiveness for this turn).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) and Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
Specials 1 (19) score 104 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
arch1 (13) score 61 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
TorMI (24) score 113 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Specials 4 (22) score 232 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 14 hits on Specials 1 (19) (22 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 16 hits on Specials 3 (21) (26 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 21 hits on Specials 4 (22) (34 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 23 hits on Arch 2 (12) (37 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 47 hits on Heen Longbows (15) (76 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 52 hits on TorMI (24) (84 before overkill).
Specials 2 (20) score 221 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Arch 2 (12) score 66 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Heen Longbows (15) score 110 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 12 hits on Specials 2 (20) (66 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 14 hits on arch1 (13) (78 before overkill).
Specials 3 (21) score 177 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1084, Defenders: 199 (423 before overkill)

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Vast Army of Daimons (7) take 1510 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties, throwing them back from the fortifications, causing another 7 casualties.
Specials 1 (19) take 11 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
arch1 (13) take 11 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties.
TorMI (24) take 42 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Pillow Fluffers (18) are shocked.
Specials 4 (22) take 17 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) take 802 hits in close combat, which cause 28 casualties.
Specials 2 (20) take 169 hits (10 in close combat, 159 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Arch 2 (12) take 817 hits (19 in close combat, 798 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 20 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Heen Longbows (15) take 819 hits (38 in close combat, 781 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 20 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) take 282 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.
Specials 3 (21) take 351 hits (13 in close combat, 338 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2594 (1084 from close combat and 1510 from ranged), Defenders: 2237 (161 from close combat and 2076 from ranged)
Total casualties: 68 attackers, 52 defenders

Turn No. 7

   3 (106-D)
8 (19-D)
4 (385-D)
9 (198-D)
10 (200-D)
11 (378-D)
5 (268-D)
7 (296-D)
6 (6165-U)
1 (1203-U)
2 (1130-U)
13 (22-A)
15 (30-A)
19 (16-S)
21 (13-S)
22 (21-S)
 18 (23-M)

White Marble Bishops III (8) move closer to get better shots.
Vast Army of Daimons (7) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
White Marble Pawns XI (9) fire on Pillow Fluffers (18), scoring 85 hits.
White Marble Pawns XIII (11) fire on Pillow Fluffers (18), scoring 59 hits.
Red Marble Knights III (4) fire on Pillow Fluffers (18), scoring 660 hits.
White Marble Pawns XII (10) fire on Pillow Fluffers (18), scoring 35 hits.
Red Marble Bishops I (3) move closer to get better shots.
Pillow Fluffers (18) fire on Undead Legion (6), scoring 103 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 103, Defenders: 839
Red Marble Knights IV (5) canter up and down helplessly in front of the fortifications, waiting for friendly troops to breach them.
Undead Legion (6) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
Specials 4 (22) score 299 hits on Undead Legion (6).
Specials 4 (22) score 53 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
arch1 (13) score 114 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Heen Longbows (15) score 153 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Undead Legion (6) score 15 hits on Specials 4 (22) (333 before overkill).
Specials 1 (19) score 176 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones I (2).
Specials 3 (21) score 208 hits on Brittle Daimon Bones (1).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 11 hits on Specials 1 (19) (63 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) score 17 hits on arch1 (13) (99 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 14 hits on Specials 3 (21) (60 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 26 hits on Specials 4 (22) (108 before overkill).
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) score 35 hits on Heen Longbows (15) (145 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1003, Defenders: 118 (808 before overkill)

The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.

Specials 4 (22) take 33 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
arch1 (13) take 14 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Heen Longbows (15) take 28 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Undead Legion (6) take 387 hits (299 in close combat, 88 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties.
Pillow Fluffers (18) take 682 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Lazy Tess Tideweaver, Dame of Firbalthas been wounded by White Marble Pawns XII (10).
Specials 1 (19) take 9 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Specials 3 (21) take 11 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications). No casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Brittle Daimon Bones I (2) take 290 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.
Brittle Daimon Bones (1) take 414 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1091 (1003 from close combat and 88 from ranged), Defenders: 777 (95 from close combat and 682 from ranged)
Total casualties: 45 attackers, 19 defenders

Attacker Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 2 %.
The battle does 12 % damage to the fortifications.