Arcaea/Dining hall/Duthenir's Doings

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They know me.

Duthenir stared back at the commoners who stared at him. They looked away... in deference? In fear? In something else?

They know me!

But it wasn't fear, he decided. It was something else he couldn't figure out. There was so little even he knew about the Oliks... was it possible that his father's name had poisoned the well even on this distant land? Or was there something else, something besides his father, something that made these people recognize him...

"Sir Duthenir of House Olik!" a royal envoy declared, startling him. He stopped and tried to look innocent.

"...yeah, I guess that's me," he muttered.

"A letter from His Majesty, the King," and the envoy all but threw the small envelope at him before departing.

As he read the letter he sighed, knowing now that, for better or worse, there was to be no hiding from himself here...

Duthenir Olik (Noble)