Arcaea/Dining Hall/War is Waged

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As they descended from the brown mountains, the small cloud of dust thrown up behind them, they caught sight of the city walls of Remton in the distance. Aerywyn pulled back on Vaur's reins and slowed the horse to a stop at the base of the mountain road, whistling absent mindedly as he surveyed the scene ahead. After issuing a few quick orders to his captain, who had just caught up, the Haerthorne Knights turned their forced march west towards Lantzas. Reuben threw a quick grin at his lord with eyes brimming with battlelust.

They were his sister's unit from a few years back, hard men who had grown up from being a bunch of rowdy lads who were were fighting each other more than the enemy, to a cohesive and deadly fighting force. They had distinguished themselves on the walls of Remton, and their captain, Reuben, was definately a capable man in his own right. Yet now instead of marching with leaden steps at the thought of killing and dying again, they strode with an almost giddy step, glad to be fighting the good fight again.

Aerywyn smiled despite himself. But his thoughts turned back to the city, and the worry eating away at his mind. With a kick to the gelding's grey flanks, he rode across the bride, over the river Remtonas, and towards the last of the column on the way out of the city's iron gates. Quickly he surveyed the troops leaving for the coming battle west, beaming confidently with pride at the faces who looked up at him. Soldiers fought with greater heart when their commander rode with assurance.

At least thats what he had been led to believe.

Nodding to the nobles and captains, Aerywyn started to notice a few faces that were missing, though he knew them to be here. He frowned, and his face darkened visibly to those close by as he gazed intently at the city gates. At his beckoning, one of the riders, a tall and comely blonde youth; noble-born by the looks of him, rode up beside him and saluted.

"Lord Aerywyn", he said in a gracious tone.

"Go to the houses in the city and find those nobles who have not yet saddled their horses. Go to the pubs, whore houses... find them."

Aerywyn sighed.

"We need every man and woman possible for this."

Aerywyn Haerthorne Lord Protector of Arcaea, Marshal of the Tribute Collecting Army

Reginald II sits upon his warhorse,watching the Captain putting the just recruited men through a rather tough training session. Thinking to himself: "These men will be alright, once they learn what is expected of them." . As his captain calls a halt, and then walks up to him; Reginald returns his salute and speaks:" You have done well Captain, and the men are coming along nicely.They should be able to help train the next group that arrives." The captain smiles at this. Reginald continues;" break out a ration of Ale for the men and yourself Captain. Tomorrow let's work on defensive formations." The Captain salutes and leaves....Reginald rides back to where his tents are. Tomorrow they ride for Talex. there is an estate to set up, and the march will provide excellent practice for the men as well.

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)