Arcaea/Dining Hall/The Coronation of King Jenred I

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Lords and Ladies of Arcaea,

Many of you remember the days of King Riar and before him Queen Trinity. Many more of you have arrived in these lands after their respective departures. The times are changing for Arcaea once again. No longer a tiny realm threatened with destruction, strong in spirit but weak in military strength we have become a solid force in the north of these islands. There still remain challenges ahead, a new set of challenges in a rapidly evolving landscape. And for a new set of challenges I believe the time is right for a new monarch to take the lead. I take great pride in the achievements that have seen Arcaea enter a new era of prosperity and security and would like to acknowledge all those who have contributed to this revival. A special mention must be made of our Imperial Magistrate Jenred who as both judge and banker was instrumental in building our relations with other realms.

I have enjoyed my reign over Arcaea, this is a truly great land and it is for that very reason that I will be stepping down after dawn in favour of Sir Jenred whom I hope you will confirm as my replacement.

For Arcaea, first and always,

Dentara deLacy Queen of Arcaea

Your Majesty, my thanks for your recommendation.

Nobles of Arcaea, I will gladly take the throne should I be so confirmed. And, in accordance with Arcaean custom, I would of course step down as Imperial Magistrate.

Arcaea has grown amazingly since I first joined. Our borders are larger than they have been in years. Our reputation as a realm of honour is rising. We have truly begun a new age...But events are moving faster still. The collapse of Sartania and Lasanar has changed the North, and the rise of Arcachon, ourselves, and the new realms born of the ashes of Lasanar have made the island unstable. A bold move now could prove very fruitful, yielding greater power and strong allies. If I were to become King, I would hope to lead Arcaea into a new, secure future so that while we have allies, we will never be dependent on them again.

For Arcaea!

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

As Jenred strode forward and knelt before Dentara, he felt a growing sense of...completion. This was part of his destiny, his birthright...He had earned this, by blood and steel and ink, with the help of firm friends and allies...And one amazing lover, he thought as he straightened his head again, smiling.

Dentara took the crown from her head, and with a smile and word of encouragement, placed it on Jenred, before dropping to one knee. Jenred stood, and turned to face the assembled crowd, raising his arms to exult in the sudden cheers, before grinning and gesturing to Edara...

As she strode forward, cheering and grinning, he took her into his arms and gave her a hard, passionate kiss, causing the crowd to cheer even louder. As they broke the kiss, he kept one arm wrapped around her as he strode out from the Palace at Remton.

"So, love...How does it feel to be engaged to a King?"

Jenred spared a glance for her face, grinning and full of energy. This...Was amazing...He'd come so far...And, remembering their discussion the other day, thought with a fierce exultation that their children would never be sneered at, nor have to fight for their bread and bed...

Jenred's face began to hurt from all his smiles and grins and laughs and shouts...And a thought drifted idly through him...

It was good to be the King...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

There's a vote not wasted, thought Tenal. He read over the official declaration one more time. Sir Jenred as King. Tenal smiled as he thought of Jenred beaming at the attention. He wondered vaguely what Jenred's new seal would be, and if the wedding would now include a lot more purple.

It was too bad he couldn't congratulate the new King in public. However, Tenal had promised his love a picnic and damned if he didn't keep his word. He had been in Orbeh the past day, training his men while he waited and ordering some food to be prepared. He would need to send a letter soon.

"Master," a servant approached Tenal, "we have received another official declaration, sir. As well as a letter from Lady Madelena." Thanking the servant, Tenal read the latest news. His grin broadened. Oh, ho, ho! My love is the new Imperial Magistrate. Isn't that a treat!

Tenal yelled after his servant, "Oi, Lukas! Better grab a nice bottle of blackberry brandy. What? Well, find one! There's something important I need to celebrate."

Sir Tenal Quasath (Knight of Remton)

She had always known that her Jenred would be King. Sooner or later…it was inevitable. He had already been well-respected at the time that she had come to Arcaea, but she had been able to see his rise from the shadows to the counting house to the Imperial Court…and now…the Throne.

Edara couldn’t have been prouder.

She watched as he was crowned and then stood to accept the cheers of the crowd. Ah…the people loved him…of course…and their pleasure buoyed her up even further. When Jenred waved her over…her heart sang…this man was hers and when he kissed her, the crowd roared its delight…

How did she get here? Little Edara Kindon…who walked off a boat with a little training and a lot of hopes…and stumbled her way into Jenred’s arms…a duchy of her own…friends and family…the Gods had surely blessed her.

How does it feel to be engaged to a King?

Edara grinned up at him…loving how happy he was…how he beamed…

“Not as fine as it will be to be married to the King,” she laughed and hugged him hard, “But Jenred,” Edara tugged on him as they walked from the Palace, asking him seriously, “You know that I would be just as happy to be married to a pig farmer…if he were you?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred's smile widened, and he squeezed Edara again.

"Just as I would be to Edara the Milkmaid, ke'chara..."

As they strode through the last of the circuit together, Jenred pulled out his hawk-in-flight necklace, and raised it high above his head.

"Let it be known that my personal Seal as King shall be the Hawk-in-Flight! For Arcaea, and Love!"

Jenred kept the corner of his eye on the crowd, but looked full at Edara's face, knowing he had surprised her with this, at least...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

There were no words. Edara never felt that she had the right words…but for this…for this there were none. She looked at Jenred with her heart in her eyes…and more than a few tears…and gave him a tremulous smile.

“Oh my love…” she breathed and buried her face into his side.

Gods she loved this man.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb