Anderfhstim Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

The history of the Anderfhstim family starts with two young knights, Gerinstroph of Astrum, Yeghandr of Vix Tiramora and Jagandirk of Obia'Syela.

All members of Anderfhstim family are servants of Ulgaro the Stormbringer.

Ulgaro: Ulgaro is a god that many northerners such as Anderfhstims believe. He is known for his thirst for blood and battle. He is a warrior god of war, storm, darkness, and winter. He slumbers in his garden of sword in the northernmost reach of the world where he takes souls of great warriors to join him for his day of revival. It is said, when he finally wakes up from his eternal slumber, he will march toward the southern end of the world with his chosen warriors and create a utopia of man.

Only those who are killed by enemies worthier than they can join Ulgaro in his garden. Those who die of sickness or on their beds will not be accepted. All faithfuls of Ulgaro are expected to be killed by their enemies but before their lives are ended, they must overcome enough worthy opponents to be recognized by Ulgaro. Family members of the chosen warriors are accepted into his garden as well.

Ulgaro does accept sacrifices but all sacrifices must be humans. Souls of those sacrificed will strengthen Ulgaro for his eventual return.

Saga of Ulgaro: Ulgaro is said to be one of the first men to have ever walked this world. He was the strongest among his brothers and when he became old enough to travel, he journeyed toward south with his brothers to find a suitable place for them to settle down. They eventually came upon a continent that was inhabited by dragons. When they asked dragons to allow them to settle there, dragons attacked them thus starting a great war. The war lasted for seven days and seven nights. Before the eighth day, Ulgaro slew the last dragon at the expense of his last surviving brother's life. Ulgaro himself also suffered a grave wound that forced him to sleep forever. Before his eternal slumber, he created his descendants from his dead brothers and built the garden of swords to house souls of his fallen brothers. He himself eventually joined his brothers in the garden and from there they watched over their descendants to choose great warriors among them.