York Journal/Issue 21

From BattleMaster Wiki
MinasIthilFlag2.png The York Journal
Cost: 1 silver November 08 Editor(s): Relkin Sypher
News Articles
News Briefs

December 7th - Winwich frees itself from Norland oppression.
December 4th - Minas Ithil drives out the Northern Federation forces in Winwich.

By Roxas Sypher Religion in Minas Ithil December 7th

This Month the York Journal is looking at religion here in Minas Ithil. Faithful of Venerable Order of the Citadel, a faith from Eston are in Winwich. Priests of the Hörgr of Makar have been stirring up the people with anti-Minas Ithil propaganda in Dunstoke and other regions. The Way of the Warrior Saints, a faith started in the lands of Eston and with faithful in Eston, Minas Ithil, Falasan and Tara has grown to be the second largest faith in Minas Ithil. Magna Serpaensism remains the most widespread faith in Minas Ithil but things appear to be changing.

Later this month we will have interviews with priests from some of these faiths to hear from them.

By Roxas Sypher Marching Songs of Minas Ithil December 6th

The Dragoon's Song
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war
I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before
I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the battles' roar
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war

well,I wanna horse in the volunteer force that's riding forth at dawn
Please save for me some gallantry that will echo when I'm gone
I beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn
Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long

I'd not a good foot soldier make, I'd be sour and slow at march
And I'd be sick on a navy ship, and the sea would leave me parched
But I'll be first in line if they'll let me ride, by god, you'll see my starch
Lope back o'er the heath with the laurel wreath underneath that vict’ry arch

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war
I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before
I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the battles' roar
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war

Let me earn my spurs in the battle's blur where the day is lost or won
I'll wield my lance as the ponies dance and the blackguards swing their swords
A sabre keen, and a saddle carbine and an army behind me
Where the black thatched shaft screams with the cold, cold steel let me be a cav’lryman

I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war
I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before
I wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and I hear the battles' roar
I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go of to war

Let 'em play their flutes and stirrup my boots and place them back to front
For I won’t be back on the rider-less black and I'm finished in my hunt
I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go off to war
I wanna be in the cavalry, but I won't ride home no more.

Thank you to Marshal Raziel Himoura the Third for providing this song. It is sung by the First Ithillian Dragoons.