The Order of Da Great Goat/Sayings inspired by Da One

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Sayings in keeping with Da Way

  • "For he who is intelligent and wealthy is not necessarily Da Greatest Achievement of My Being. I do not mean to bring the brightest ones to glory. It's just I fart loud sometimes, and somehow it makes people smarter". -ry2n BloodDiver
  • "Self discipline is even more important than regular gas passing". -ry2n BloodDiver
  • "For he who draws a lance in a bar fight is like a dead flower in green, juicy grass. Still smells horribly but at least it's decomposing". -ry2n BloodDiver
  • "A thousand roads leading to nowhere, but Da Smelly One showed me which road is leading to his Goatly Wisdom. I wish it wasn't such a bumpy road, because my back is hurting". -Omenn Unitea
  • "So after Rosegarden Guy was defeated again, a crowd gather around Da Great Goatcheering and waving. One from this crowd asked Da One:

Does walking Da Path make one sure of eternal happiness?

And Da One answered: BURP because he was full of beer and sleepy." -ry2n BloodDiver

  • As Da Goat once said, "If two of you fart, blame the other." -Leonard Enstance
  • "First impressions that you make on unbelievers are very important," said Da Hairy One. "Nobody cares how beautiful the souffle is if the appetizer was terds-in-a-blanket." -Shamus O'Shea
  • "Pigs are meant to eat. Pigs are also filled with lard. That means that golden roosters lay silver eggs." -Taelon Crimsonblade
  • I saw Da One once, and he said:

"Fear not ! This smell of decay and rot shall not make any doubt in you ! RedSpan is fine. It's just me who farted".

So were Da Words of Da One. -ry2n BloodDiver

  • As Da Smelly One once said, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. That way your friends don't have to smell your farts." -Shamus O'Shea
  • "It is incredibly hard to jab yourself in the arse with your own horns. Therefore, if you feel an unusual sensation in your hindquarters, turn around and jab the other guy before he does it again." - Dielo Filador
  • "When ye get tired of bashing an enemy, your best bet is to meet, drink lots of ale, and find someone else to bash together." - Dielo Filador
  • "There's no reason to poke a sleeping bear ... unless you're covered in honey. Then there's no reason to poke any bear." - Shamus O'Shea

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