Shield of Aboal

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Revision as of 20:38, 20 February 2009 by Bluelake (talk | contribs) (I swear I know how to use preview, but someone wanted more poetry... ^_~)
Shield of Aboal

Type Shield
Discovered By Tengstille Flightwing
Discovery Date (unknown)
Discovery Location Aboal, South-East Island
Abilities +5 prestige
Current Owner mermaids?



Found by Sir Tengstille Flightwing in the now sunk South-East Island, was offered as a gift to Lady Vanya Bluelake, former Countess of Aboal. It was the trigger to a friendship that flourished nicely while Tengstille passed from commoner to the rank of nobility, as they fought a few battles together. It was last seen by a humble ship captain when the Lady was leaving the island to the East Continent.


Roleplay from Vanya Bluelake
Message sent to everyone in the region Ikalak (60 recipients)
Vanya stared as the sailors carried the last crates and chests into the ship and Thron shook his head to feel her increased grip to his reigns. No tears went down her cheek, as she stared at the beautiful towers of Ikalak City, and down to the fields of the neighbouring regions. The eyes of her mind fixed in Korlok, where so much blood was shed, and where so many defeats and a couple of victories were achieved, where she fought by the side of her General, of her friends, of a great realm, and against a worthy enemy.

Caressing the stallion's mane, she took a few hesitant steps forward. The horse didn't resist entering the boat, and was easily settled. The captain asked her if she was ready to leave, and she nodded. A new life in a strange world... Yes, she was ready. The sadness coupled with hope and courage.

When the boat was at large on Ikalak's bay, Vanya dropped her green cloak, forever stained with blood. In her arms, she held a shield, a fine piece of metal crafting, a precious gift from someone very precious to her. It was given even after she was no longer Countess. The Shield of Aboal. For a moment the short lady let her fingers feel the silver details and the texture of the strong plate.

The captain stared in horror as the Lady swung about and hurled the hard steel through the boat's edge. The metal piece sunk unpoetically, quickly, with a loud *tlunk* as the shield entered the water diagonally. His men almost dived after it, but with a hard hissed word he managed to keep them aboard. The Lady was crying.

Looking back, Vanya gave a last thought to her second home. Then, it was sea and sky for long days.