Daubeny Family/Apollyon/Throw Away the Key

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Roleplay from Dustiria Noire Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 25 days, 4 hours, 35 minutes ago Throw Away the Key

The comatose Cailan was released from the chains and placed on the small firm bed. As the healer looked him over a guard snapped a heavy iron shackle on his ankle that was fixed to a heavy iron chain to the wall.

As the men left the cell the guard asked the healer, "How much trouble would I be in if I dropped this key down the privy hole?"

"There are those that would parade you on their shoulders and call you a hero. " the healer replied, "What matters is how our lady would feel."

"Aye right you are" the guard goes to his desk at the end of the long hall and taps a stone in the wall to hide the key away. "see ya tomorrow" he tells the healer as he sits in the chair and puts his feet up on the desk.

The healer looks back down the hall at all the empty cells before taking the stairs up the three levels to return to the sunlight. He wondered how many knew of the lone prisoner on the third floor below. Not many he expected since the Judge*Magister kept prisoners, if she had any, on the first and the door that led to the stairs downward wasn't easy to spot. Once out in the bright sunlight he headed towards the Bloody Stump.

"I need a drink or five"

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 25 days, 53 minutes ago Throw Away the Key

Apollyon gasped awake, he coughed and spluttered, sitting up with a start.

He felt crushed by the early morning sun rising through the bars of his window.

He tried to rise from the bed but failed as he noted the shackle on his foot.

So the nightmare had been real after all.

He laid back into the bed, trying and failing to get comfortable.

He called out into the hallway from his bed “Where is the Judge Magister?”

He heard scurrying movement in the hallway and waited.

Roleplay from Dustiria Noire Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 24 days, 22 hours, 3 minutes ago Throw Away the Key

The guard puts down his novel and gets up from the desk. He head's down the long hallway then stops infront of his only prisoners door. He looks through the small barred window.

"She's off in Sirion. I am to tell you only she won't be seeing you anytime soon. I left ink, paper and quills for ya. I am allowed to send mail for you if the name's on the list. Also have to read it first to make sure it won't be more harm than good. " the man talking while appearing to be a guard seems to be a bit more. He leans down and slides a tray under the door through a small hole and across the floor. "Here's some soup. Healer says you need that. Tin pitcher on the little table has water . Tin mug is next to that. The chain on your ankle will just reach where I slid the tray."

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 24 days, 19 hours, 28 minutes ago Throw away the Key

Apollyon listens silently, he glanced at the food and rolled over in his bed, ignoring it.

“How long will I be in here?”

He glanced through the bars at the soldier, he looked solemnly at the man “And what letters must I write? I haven’t received any.”

Roleplay from Dustiria Noire Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 24 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes ago Throw away the Key

"Well you blew up a chunk of the city and killed people, might want to ask forgiveness. Just a thought" he said over his shoulder as the guard headed back to his novel.

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 24 days, 18 hours, 51 minutes ago Throw away the Key

Apollyon nodded “So I did, though I have little memory of it.”

He thought for a moment “I will earn forgiveness with my blade, I will fight for Perdan and prove worthy of them.”

He glances at the guard leaving and looked away.

Laying silently he let his mind wander.

Roleplay from Dustiria Noire Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 23 days, 1 hour, 8 minutes ago Throw away the Key

The guard places a finished novel on the pile that is growing on his desk. He picks up the tray of food he had waiting. On the tray was a hunk of cheese, bread, and apple covered by a cloth purple napkin. He wanders down the long hallway of empty cells until he reaches the only prisoner. He slides the tray through the hole then goes to the side and unlocks the drawer. He pulls it out and places dulled quills and a ream of blank papers in the draw. He slides it back in then locks it. The drawer sticks out on Cailan’s side now.

He looks through the barred window and surveys the narrow firm bed with its wool blankets. The small table by the bed with the tin pitcher of water with a tin cup. Across the way is the table with a chair that held one blunted quill and a tin inkwell with a single sheet of paper. Three books were the only other thing there. One holding the writing’s of Leandra, one a fantastical tale about a princess with a flying horse that saves her kingdom. One a book of philosophy from a long dead philosopher. Pleased to see nothing untoward he nods to the prisoner and returns to his desk and picks up a new novel to read.

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 23 days, 17 hours, 13 minutes ago Throw away the Key

Apollyon spent the past two days silent, each time the food tray was untouched.

He would sit on his knees, his hands put together in prayer, praying to what the Jailer didn’t know.

The chains rattled as he stood and walked close to the door and on the third day of his imprisonment he finally spoke.

“Can I have 20 pieces of paper and something to write with, please?” His voice was calm and collected, carrying his soft accented voice through the hallway to the Jailer.

“And if I can be so bold maybe something to eat? According to my counting it should be meal time anyways.”

Letter from Kenneth MacArbin Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp

(Personal message to Apollyon Daubeny) - 18 days, 19 hours, 26 minutes ago Cailin,

I heard a tale, once, of a man who had been raised to be a monster, who was literally born to betray. At a moment when his life was balanced on a knife's edge, when he could fulfill that terrible destiny, the man who he was to destroy, his brother, in a strange way, spoke words to him that blazed like a beacon in the night after a long march.

"You are what you do. Choose again, and change."

You were a hero because of your actions. You are a monster for those same actions.

You, and you alone, choose what you are.

Choose again, and change.

Sir Kenneth MacArbin, Ambassador of Perdan, Duke of The Riverlands, Margrave of Bescanon, Priest of Aspects of the Flame

– {{{2}}}

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (30 recipients) - 18 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes ago Throw Away the Key

Apollyon gulped, he felt a weight in his throat as tears came unbidden to his cheeks.

He breather rapidly, nodding silently.

Kenneth was right, he had made mistakes but by the gods it will not break him, he is Daubeny, the blood of Kings flows through his veins, he is a hero, he is a warrior.

He put quill to paper and began to write, his eyes glancing at Kenneth’s message.

"You, and you alone, choose what you are. Choose again, and change."

He began to write a letter to Alyssa, Dustiria and Isana.

He would write them a hundred more if he must, he would have his answer and he would fight his fate, whatever it may be.

He began.

"Your Grace Queen Kingsley, Judge Magister Noire, Royal Lady Everlight,"

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (30 recipients) - 17 days, 19 hours ago Throw Away the Key

Apollyon was leaning against the wall opposite his bed, he was thinking, he heard footsteps and Robert came leaving the same meal at the hatch for him to eat.

He spoke “Robert, wait a moment, I had a question.”

Apollyon glanced casting a single eye towards the man, he seemed to be deep in thought “Am, Am I monster? In your eyes, am I evil? I know I was wrong, I know I made a great mistake that caused lives to be lost.”

He looked to the ground “But does that leave me without hope? Do I have naught but a life of shame and this small cell to look forward to?”

He glances out the small window “Is this it? The end of Apollyon Blackstone Daubeny’s tale, is this how my house ends?”

He turned away looking back to the man “Sorry, I ramble, I ask, do you think I could ever make this right? If I fought, worked at it, worked harder hen I ever had.”

He glanced to the letter he had held in his hands for hours now.

“Is there a hope, or is it yet another fools dream?”

Roleplay from Dustiria Noire Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp (Personal message to Apollyon Daubeny) - 17 days, 3 hours, 51 minutes ago Throw Away the Key

Storm grey eyes stared at Apollyn. The gaze would make any uncomfortable and those that knew Dustiria would see no family resemblance at all.

Finally the Brown haired, clean shaven, Robert Noire spoke. His words clear and concise.

"Only you know if you are a monster. After all you did those things. Ask yourself why. What answers you find will answer that. Hope can only follow when you understand what you did and why.

As for the cell, my sister has me here since she needed someone she could trust not to let assassins by to kill you. She had me place her three books from various points of her life in there too. Dustiria wouldn't have done either things if there was nothing to redeem."

With that he walks back down the hall and returns to his desk to read.

Dustiria Noire Judge-Magister of Perdan Countess of Nascot

Roleplay from Apollyon Daubeny Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (31 recipients) - 15 days, 19 hours, 25 minutes ago Throw Away the Key

Apollyon seemed to think for a moment after Robert spoke, he nodded “Thank you Robert, you have given me something to think about.”

He sat back down at his desk, idly he began to sketch a scene.

It was him, surrounded by fire, a burning city in the background, he was on his knees, several arrows in his back, he was attached to strings leading up to a hand.

The hand followed up the arm to the body and the body lead to the face.

Her face was set in a cruel smile, horns protruding out of her head as long hair cascaded down into the fire slowly blending into it.

He stopped his drawing when he realised what he just drew and sighed, he didn’t want to think about that night, about what happened, his mind would always wander back there but he didn’t want to.

He couldn’t.

He swiped the paper off the table leading it to fall to the floor, he stood and laid down on his bed, maybe some sleep would make him feel better.

It didn’t.