Asgard Informer/Issue Eight

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Price: 1 silver coins Phoenix sized.png Main editors: Xaphan, Smeagenwulf

Phoenixsmall.png   Mansbridge Mayhem   Phoenixsmall.png
by Smeagenwulf Graeven
May 5th, 2009
Two great battles were fought today over the region of Mansbrige, which was recently liberated from Ithilian control.

This morning, a large attack force numbering some 890 men from Minas Ithil stormed Mansbridge. Despite outnumbering us 3 to 1, though, The ithilians failed to mount a succesful attack, and were puched back by the Viking defenders. However, tired from killing so many southerners in just one morning, the defenders were outmatched come the second wave and were beaten.

Huge Battle Fought (16 hours, 30 minutes ago) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Mansbridge: Minas Ithil vs. Norland Estimated strengths: 890 men vs. 590 men

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought (4 hours, 34 minutes ago) Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Mansbridge: Minas Ithil vs. Norland Estimated strengths: 640 men vs. 220 men

Attacker Victory!

However, this all pales in the face of greater news: after being wounded in every major battle and skirmish in the past few months, Asgrad Infromer editor Smeagenwulf Graeven, also known to myself as me, Remained relatively unscathed after both battles! Let it not be known the Informer doesn't do human interest stories.

Phoenixsmall.png   A Lost hero and a Valiant Stand   Phoenixsmall.png
by Smeagenwulf Graeven
May 10th, 2009
During a battle in Hernepoole some days ago, Norland lost one of it's most valued and respected heroes, Fenrig Harkonnen, Duke of Brackhead. Fenrig was a brave, fearless leader of men, who had served Norland diligently and efficiently, and now serves in Asgard at Odin's side, to await the final war at the end of days. The Halls of Valhalla got brighter and merrier with his passing.

His body had since been returned to Norland and given a proper Viking send off, fitting a hero like Fenrig, who never wavered in his duty to his country.

Though stricken by his lose, Norland managed to hold out against an assult from a combined Darka/Minas Ithil force that attacked the capital Brackhead recently. During the valiant stand, your favorite editor and mine, Smeagenwulf Graeven, was taken on a nice trip and given a tour of the insides of Darka's dungeons. It was a fine vacation, though the Darkans insisted I make myself comfortable and stay for a while before returning. They were pretty adamant about it, so being a good guest, I obliged. It's not that bad, food's a bit different then what I'm used to, But I like the minimalistic design of the cell. Very avantgarde. I've also made friends with some rats who hang around here, and they're alright. We agreed to write to each other when I leave. I like making friends. A 5 out of 9 on Smea's dungeon scale.

Phoenixsmall.png   More boring political stuff we're obligated to report   Phoenixsmall.png
by Xaphan Vanimedle
May 16th, 2009
The rabbit loving Falasani, fresh from the poor showing on their part in a war against Cagilan Empire have decreed that they will defensively aiding Minas Ithil, to give themselves something to do (There words not ours) Well so far we've seen the Rabbits hopping over our bridge and into Mansbridge, our region. So one can only ascertain that they are defensively aiding the offensive actions of Minas Ithil, stupid indeed. "Minas Ithil arrived here mere minutes before us! Therefore we arrived to defend their army!" or some such tomfoolery. Anyway that's one lie exposed from Queen Ilya, though she did promised to try and send Norland some food should Minas Ithil allow. Yeah we're still waiting for news on that... And news on why they are in our lands offensively attacking us.