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Arcachon-icon.png Introduction

Arcachon can be a dark realm. We favor looting over takeovers, and war over peace. Our Nobles are expected to be ferocious on the battlefield. We also stress discipline. Many of the things we accomplish are because our nobles are more highly disciplined, allowing a numerically smaller force (such as ours) to defeat far larger forces (as we did against the combined armies of Arcaea and Ethiala). We have the natural advantage of defensible coasts. We boast the largest conclave of Infiltrators on the continent, and they are treated well. Arcachon is always looking for more Infiltrators.

Treason is not tolerated, and will be grounds for banishment. Upon your capture--and you will be caught--you will be summarily executed. We do not shy away from the executor's axe in this realm. By following the laws of the land and the orders of your superiors, you can expect a good income, good gains in honor and prestige, and good RP. If this doesn't sound like the place for you, we're sorry to have wasted your time. Otherwise, Welcome Clansman!

Arcachon-icon.png Geography

Arcachon is traditionally a self-contained unit. We are surrounded by the sea on all fronts, with only two entry points off the island: Ecsetuah and Soniel. This natural defense has allowed the warriors of Arcachon to raid relatively unchecked by up the walls along the coast and insuring a sizeable garrison of militia. It has also been the realm's achilles heel, as they cannot readily expand off the island without losing control due to geographic distance. (This is less applicable since the conversion of Unotosa and Athios).

Enlod: pop. 10600; City

Soniel: pop. 10000; Townsland

Itomazh: pop. 8100; Rural

Ecsetuah: pop. 7700; Rural

Mnalor: pop. 6800; Woodland

Rrerat: pop. 5800; Rural

Rapael: pop. 4500; Woodland

Unotosa: pop. 4900; Rural

Athios: pop. 5800; Rural


Arcachon-icon.png Heirarchy

The Isle of Arcachon is a superstitious place. Clan and family elders and gods sit hand in hand with the Gods of the Adgharhin Way. The Pontifex heads up statescraft while staying out of the affairs of the military, leaving these decisions in the capable hands of the Dark Isles military leadership. Because we are a war-like realm, our General should be the best among us. Because we rely on a steady income, our Banker should be capable. That said...

Arcachon is a tribal tyranny built into a thriving and deeply embedded theocracy. We are a theocracy in that the islanders are more spiritual and superstitious than most of the other civilizations, having been culturally and geographically isolated for centuries. We are a tribal tryanny in the sense that the Pontifex or rules largely on personal strength, acting as an arbiter of disputes between local lords or "Chieftans", who in turn exercise some power over their Knights. The game's heirarchy system is greatly encouraged in this realm, as it provides a little more depth to realm politics and serves as a good RP device.

Arcachon-icon.png Clan Heirarchy

The realm's clan heirarchy, for purposes of disputes, RP, and orders, is as follows (the direction of the arrows determines who you report to:

Note that no place is made for freemen and unaligned nobles. This is to encourage participation in the clan heirarchy. Knights of Local Local Lords answer directly to their Lords and the Duke. Freemen answer to anyone, including a Knight. Because we have only one Marquis, he holds slightly more prestige in the realm than Counts. If a Knight has a dispute, it should be handled by his Local Lord. If the Local Lord cannot settle it alone or through the Council of Lords, or the problem is with the Local Lord himself, then the Local Lord in question takes the dispute to the Duke. If the dispute is with the Duke himself, the Local Lord goes directly to the Judge. Many disputes can be settled with a duel of honor, which is encouraged in this realm. Note that challenging a Lord (Local or Duke) to a duel is effectively treason, unless the Lord agrees to the duel.

Arcachon-icon.png Council of Lords

The Council of Lords is a Message Group that exists to allow local lords the ability discuss realm disputes and politics amongst themselves. Local lords are instrumental in forming new realm policies and shaping or discarding old ones. For example, if Local Lord A has a knight or two with a problem, he can take it straight to the Duke or to Council of Lords. He's not bound to follow your group opinion, but it can help. He IS bound by the Duke's opinion, as that is his liege. Anyone on this Council of Lords can propose a new law or policy, and it can be debated here and sent for final approval to the Duke.

Because Arcachon has one Marquis and one Duke, votes are weighted. In any vote the CoL takes, the Marquis' vote counts as 3 instead of 1. If the Duke needs to vote, his counts as 6. Thus, Counts and the Marquis can effectively override the Duke by show of power if need be.

Arcachon-icon.png Military Heirarchy

The realm's military heirarchy is as follows:

Ideas come from the Ruler, execution is the responsibility of the General. Conveying those orders and secondary tasks are assigned to the Marshal. In our realm, we have two battlegroups. The General leads the Raider group, the Marshal leads the Marauder group. Hence, we are effectively a Commander -> Soldier heirarchy.

For further information, look in to the campdesk of the Paladin Primus

Arcachon-icon.png Buildings and Supplies

See Judge's Bulletin, or the Judge's Docket

Arcachon-icon.png The History of the Dark Isle

Once it is writen, spell-checked, and reviewed the information will be placed in the libraries for all to read freely. The first record of Arcachon's history has begun...

Arcachon-icon.png Additional Resources

For more information about Arcachon's history please see the Arcachon Annals.

For more information about Arcachon's religion please see the religion page of the Adgharhin_Way.

For more information about Arcachon's Culture please view the Culture of Arcachon to learn what types of food, beverages, and other various details about the small realm of Arcachon.

Regional Lordship positions that are unclaimed can be challenged to a duel for the right to lord and protect the people within the region. For an updae on non-lorded regions look to Region Duels for a listing of challenges.