Talk:Asenian Courier/May-June 08

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Revision as of 13:09, 11 June 2008 by Indirik (talk | contribs) ("only a handful of nobles" makes for "only a handful of treaty violations")
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"Earlier today, King Shady of the Obsidian Islands laid claims against the sultanate for violating the treaty, despite the fact that only a handful of nobles used Kazan as a mode of transport."

I suppose that "only a handful of nobles" makes for "only a handful of treaty violations", then, doesn't it?. The peace treaty signed between the Sultanate and the Obsidian Islands makes no provisions for small numbers of nobles to travel through each other's lands without permission. In fact, it specifically requires permission for the passage of any nobles at all. Please pardon me while I quote one of the terms of the treaty: "* Soldier and army, including infiltrator, need permission to enter the other realm land." Did Duke Aeneas, Sir Randolf, and Sir Alberto gain permission from OI to pass through Kazan, or did they not? Either King Shady is lying and permission was obtained, which should be ridiculously simple for you to prove, or three Sultanate nobles, leading a total of 130 armed soldiers, passed through Kazan without permission and violated the terms of your peace treaty.

You can't have it both ways, folks. Pick one way or the other. The Banker of the Sultanate complained loudly regarding the passage of unarmed OI nobles through Sultanate lands as a serious breach of the peace treaty. Now you are saying that the passage of Sultanate nobles and armed troops, including a unit of 100 infantry, is a non-issue, because it's "only a handful". So which way do you want it? Is your banker a fool for complaining that two OI nobles passed through Sultanate territory? Or was he correct and just in filing his complaint, which makes the unauthorized passage of three Sultanate nobles, including over 100 armed troops, through OI territory a breach of the peace treaty signed by the Sultanate? --Indirik 15:09, 11 June 2008 (CEST)