Beginnings of Avalon
Late in the evening a Troop Leader of Old Grehk enters the command tent of Grim-reaper. He's the knight of the brother of Lorgan. The Beluaterra News Agency has asked him to interview the chancellor of Avalon about this new realm...
- How was the trip to Cteduul?
"Well this was the hard part.In Enweil a expadition group was formed, a couple of Tl's who recruited a large force with the only objective to kill the undead. We left and stayed out for about a week. But it didn't have much effect to many monsters were grouping and our tinned out forces weren't strong enough to break them. So we returned and asked help of the Enweilios army. With their help we cut trough the undead blokades like a knife cuts butter. When the To of Cteduul was complete the enweilios Cleared all surrounding regions before heading back to Enweil."
- The local population, how long did it took you to convince them joining your realm?
"The To itself didn't take long. it was over after 5-6 turns. But it did took a while before we could bring the city to core. We even had some Protests were we had to react pretty brutal. But now the people Are happy to be called Avaloniëns. We did save them from the undead so its only natural they would be happy. It just takes some time for them to realise that."
- Why have you chosen that place? It may be a nice city but the regions next to it doesn't provide you of much food.
"Well firs of all, it wasn't "Claimed" no other realm has a right for these regions. the last realm situated here was Voghor (may the gods have mercy on their souls)and they didn't made it trough the past invasions. Secondly it was close to Enweil. We were surten that when in dire need we could ask help, or even fall back. And about the lack of food. it isn't that bad with the population levels low as they are, our city doesn't eat much."
- If you are able to have your own mind or is Enweil practicing diplomatically pressure on you?
"We are a sepperate Realm. We have our own diplomacy and our own agenda. The alliance with Enweil was made when their army was still in our city, and this to make sure the 2 armys would clash(it failed BTW i lost a 50 men To unit. Thats wy we are so slow to expand we had to rerecruit). And ths alliance is a sign of Mutual respect. But no pressure what so ever."
The reporter gives Grim-reaper a hand shake and leaves in the direction of Old Grehk.