Dubhaine Family/Cathal/Roleplays/2008/April

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April 1st - Alowca

"Ho there My Lord, I have an urgent message from the Pontifex!" the rider thunder to a halt as he intercepted the column of cavalry, easily identifying Sir Cathal amongst the black clad horsemen.

"Gregor, give this man some water. It looks like he has ridden hard to catch us."

"Yes My Lord," Gregor loosened the canteen at his saddle bow and passed it to the rider, even as he passed a sealed envelope to Cathal.

The youth inspected it for a moment, studying the Pontifecal seal to ensure that it was genuine, and then breaking it open. Contained within were the Letters Patent of the Duchy of Alowca and a personal message confirming the new rank.

Some moments passed in silence and the rider took a deep drink from the canteen, replacing the stopper and passing it back to Gregor when he had finished.

"Do you know the content of this message?" he turned his attention back to the rider.

"Yes Your Grace, and I am also to present you with this," he drew a heavy signet ring from his pouch and handed it to the stunned young noble, "Is there a reply?"

"Tell My Lord Pontifex that I will accept the appointment until such time as a more suitable candidate is chosen."

"Very good Your Grace," and with that he was galloping back towards Alowca, a shadow disappearing into the closing night.

Cathal looked at the ring in the palm of his hand, an ancient heirloom of the Realm worn by men of much greater stature and virtue than he, and a tear slowly pooled in his left eye, trickling down his cheek. He slowly slipped it onto his finger.

"May The Trinity give me the strength and wisdom to fulfil this trust."

"Hail Duke Cathal!" his men hammered their lances against their shields.

"Enough!" he silenced them, "There will be more than enough time for celebrations when we return from the front," and the company passed the rest of that night in silence.