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Revision as of 00:04, 20 March 2008 by Indirik (talk | contribs)
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Has this actually been founded? -Chénier 23:05, 18 March 2008 (CET)

What is it with you people, do all your RPs need to be pre-determined...? -Chénier 04:33, 19 March 2008 (CET)
How do you know what has or hasn't been roleplayed yet? Just because a wiki page is created doesn't mean that is exactly how things will play out in game. It has no impact in the actual game, nobody has to follow it and it may never happen. -Pbooth
What the hell is it to you? We've had people working on RPs for theology surrounding the god Tor for about two years now, and we're finally putting all of the past RP we've done on the subject together in one spot in preparation for finally founding the religion itself. "You people"? What the f*&% is that supposed to mean? Christ, this game's wiki is seriously devoid of any real, well written content - you'd think when somebody devotes hours upon hours upon hours to trying to write up a comprehensive article, you might say "cool" rather than bark about it, and ask "hey, is this all original RP, or are you just bringing in past RPs into an article" rather tahn sneer at usabout "pre-writing RP" or whatever. The religion will probably be founded in about a week or so - so really, what do you care? Why don't you actually work on the Springdale page (which contains absolutely 100% NOTHING) instead of coming over here and yapping about how we put together content on our realm, our religion, and what have you. Good god... Arylon 07:20, 19 March 2008 (CET)

It is good, well-written stuff. So long as the " of fiction ..." tag stays there until the religion is actually founded, I personally don't have a problem with it. Yeah, it's a bit pre-determined, but that's better than completely devoid of all semblance of RP, like a lot of religions. --Indirik 23:04, 19 March 2008 (CET)