Dubhaine Family/Cathal/January 2008 Letters

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January 27th - To the Realm

As a newcomer to Alowca I have until now kept silent on the conduct of the war with Oritolon and Lukon, knowing little of its history and causes.

I am however perplexed by the use of the allied forces of Alowca and Alebad to fight on the northern front against Lukon when it would be much easier for both armies to concentrate against Oritolon in Grentzen. Seizing that region would remove the current pressure from both Irdalni and Abaka, allowing Alebad to focus her forces on capturing Rola Sierrie whilst we hold her southern flank.

Am I missing some obvious detail?

Sir Cathal Dubhaine (Knight of Alowca)

January 27th - To the Realm

Lady Allyah,

The obstacles which you outline are indeed considerable, but given that the war in the North is at considerable remove from our capital and that rumours I've heard from Alebad suggest that it's a pretty static affair anyway it's hard to see how we can make any appreciable headway against the Lukon-Oritolon alliance on that front.

Perhaps if Alebad could tempt her ally Outer Tilog into joint action, allowing them to sieze the crossings at Corali Forest something useful could be done on that front, but I know little of the subtle undercurrents of diplomacy here in the Colonies and am probably seeing opportunity where it does not exist.

On an unrelated and triffling point: I assume that your scribe made an error in transcription as I am not a member of the fairer sex. Kindly have the fellow whipped for his incompetence.

Sir Cathal Dubhaine (Knight of Alowca)

January 29th - To the Realm

My Lords,

If any of you are in close contact with Alebad I would appreciate any news you can send me of my sister Dame Aoifa. Even as I languish in this Oritolonian cell I find myself wracked with worry!

Sir Cathal Dubhaine (Knight of Alowca)

January 29th - To the Realm

Fellow nobles of Alowca,

As I sit here in my prison cell, still I am minded that regardless of the dark powers which assail us we have the blessed light of truth to sustain us. The darkness has been lifted from my eyes and my heart filled with hope when all about is ruin, for where Denariel leads there can be only victory. She is our shield and our protection, showing us the path we must follow if we too are to earn the precious gifts of Khagistar!

Oh how filled with rapturous joy I am to see that. Our faith is being tested in the balance, and we can either be found wanting and unworthy or we can triumph. Fear not the iron legions of Lukon and her barbarian lapdogs, for fear has no place in our hearts nor hatred or base feelings.

This very night I shall demand that my gaoler take me to Lord Spearhead that I might offer him the peace and blessings of the Trinity and turn from his life of darkness and hatred!

Sir Cathal Dubhaine (Knight of Alowca)

January 30th - To the Realm

My Lord Squeaks speaks honestly of the wrath of the Trinity that must now be cast against the darkness of Lukon and her puppet Oritolon. Denariel herself showed us the way when she raced to destroy those who would despoil the true faith, and we must follow in her steps.

We did not summon the maelstrom, who sought only peace in the light of truth. But the maelstrom will still come and the beasts of the field shall grow fat on the flesh of the wicked. Oh happy the day when the innocent are freed from their shackles and the slaves of darkness come forth into the light, their chains burst at the name of he who created all!

Sir Cathal Dubhaine (Knight of Alowca)