Sage/The Spotted Ring-Tailed Sage, His Environment and You

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This work was published by the University at Tahgalez, submitted to the editors by Zal Habap

“He or she, though predominantly he - has some of the oddest mating habits seen in the animal kingdom. Asexual reproduction is rare in animals of that size and is veritably unheard of among humanoids. While this in of itself would make the sage unique, this species is even stranger. It feeds on assorted trinkets, gems and bone material with an occasional taste in rare materials in order to produce unique young which are left to survival of the fittest in the wilds and tended by adventuring humans who happen to stumble upon them. They are nurtured to become “pets” that are sold off to the noble blood. Constant care and watering is needed to keep them in prime health and much fretting ensues from a noble who is concerned of their fragile life-span, lest they wither away into “will-o’-the-wisp” and return to their matrix of unknown origin to some day be reborn as a spotted ring-tailed sage who shall father a new generation of young. Unfortunately, birthing and survivability rates are deemed low and have thus been placed on the endangered species list.”

(OCC disclaimer: Intellectual property not exclusive to character/player. Summary of ideas and quotes of theory attributed to Erisand, Marzo, et al. -Hey! I would love to give props and recognition to Erisand for contributing and providing at least half -if not more than for this sudden outburst of inspirational prose on “The Spotted Ring-Tailed Sage, His Environment and You. Thanks, fellows ; D)