The Ever Growing City of Fwuvoghor, in the east islands of Beluaterra, it is one of the newest regions to Riombara.
It is a small city, compared to modern day cities, because of the attacks of the undead and monsters. The city walls were reduced to dust and the population killed and the flag that waved in the wind in the tallest tower no longer exists.
Now the walls have been rebuilt and iron men stand guard as the first line of defense against any who dare invade the realm.
There is not much else to say on the city because it is only just started rebuilding and there are no records of what the city used to be before the undead came.
There is however a small gravestone to the North-East of Fwuvoghor near the hills of Orombo of a person unknown, who fell against the undead, this now stands as a reminder of all those who fell during the second invasion.
The Duke is now Currey Family