An Adventurer's Tale/Griffon Part 2

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Revision as of 20:23, 24 May 2007 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (The griffon drives our heroes away from their camp)
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Baldhart sat atop the tiny ridge, looking out in the direction he had heard the high pitched, inhuman shrieking as he tied the string back on his bow. Danost, carrying something in his hand, a griffon hot on his heels, came stumbling and sliding down the rocky inclines of the Impettimbal mountains.

He chuckled, drawing his bow back to check the draw was tight enough. "Now, that is funny."

He started forward, doing his best to stay out of sight of the soaring griffon, keeping an arrow notched to the string as he watched Danost get closer and closer. Kneeling atop the ridge, he pulled the string of his bow back and waited for the Griffon to come as Danost, clearly winded, stumbled down the trail below him. He waited.

Nothing. He lowered his bow and eased the pull on the string. "You okay?" He shouted down to his partner, leaning over to see him.

Danost was pressed against the side of the ridge, hands on his knees, watching the direction he came. "Oh, just fine, Pard!"

Baldhart laughed and slid the arrow back into his quiver. Suddenly, the screeching started again, startling him. He turned, just in time to see the Griffon diving through the air towards him. He followed his first instinct, not always the best instinct, and threw himself sideways, away from the descending beast, and over the edge of the ridge.

He rolled down the rocky slope, doing his best to slow himself with his hands, feeling the loose gravelly rock cut into his palms and through the leather of his jerkin and wool of his breeches. He was airborne for the slightest of moments, then landed hard on his right shoulder in the middle of the trail, the impact numbing his fingers and arm. Danost hurried over to him, grabbing Baldhart by the right arm and pulling him to his feet.

"Run!" Baldhart screamed. The Griffon was overhead, soaring on the wind, gradually descending towards them. It shrieked as it pulled itself up and dived once more, and Danost flung himself hard against Baldhart, pushing both men to the ground as the talons streaked just above them. He heard a tearing sound, and Danost grunted lightly. Pushing himself to his hands and knees, Baldhart grabbed his partner's arm and pulled him up. "You hurt?"

"Not bad."

"What in God's name did you do?" He asked as they started running again. He pulled Danost off the main trail towards another path that split off, winding upwards.

"I stole its egg," he said, panting.

"You have four, you greedy bastard!"

"You got one, too!"

"Yeah, but its not that particular Griffon's!"

Baldhart (Freeman)