Metsamees Family/Woodsman

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"Woodsman" Raimond Metsamees

The eldest son named Rainer but more known by the name of Woodsman.
He spent his free time in the seemingly endless woods surrounding its familys manor,
in other times he was to educate its mind behind books or his body with training and practising with his brothers or seldom his father.

In the woods he would philosophise and sometimes hunt all sorts of creatures,
he seldom catched any prey cause he hunted only with his knife,
considering bows and throwing spears or axes honorles and disrespectful thowards its prey and its spirit.
Although he belives that using sutch weapons against other humans is justified cause they use those weapons.
Meny times at his little ventures to the forrest he happned to be in mortal danger, meny
times returning with founds, but only on four occasions he was seriously wounded.
First time he was horned by an elk at young age, and nearly died.
Second time he was tackled by a boar that left him several scars in his lower body.
Third time he was mauld by a bear at the chest, luckly he managed to stab the bear in to its eye killing it. He brought the bear home although heavely wounded.
And the last time before his service in Eston he was attacked by four wolfs, after slayng one of them a second one
bit him in the leg and third one pushed him over, then bit him at the fase, luckly only
thing damaged was his lip and the top of his head.
after that he went berserk and killed the remaining wolfs.
Yet again brought the four wolfs home.
He always says after being woounded by an animal: "Im not mad at them, i was the one hunting them, and thees wounds are the fault of my weakness.
Should i ever get killed by one of them dont seek vengenace, it is my own fault and punishment for being weak." He wheares his scars with pride.

At age of 17 he left his home to become serving in military for Eston, soon became a leader of his own troops that he names Lycanthorps.
He still prefers to stay away of other humans cause he dosnt trust them, and sees humans as always deceptive and as creatures that create destruction and deble in things they shoud not.
And also because he enjoys silence and being alone.
But when it is time to march to war he leads his troops shoulder to shoulder.
He says to this: "I wont be seen cowering behing my troops, that will not only make me weak and soft but a coward aswell."

His reason for leaving the home woods in first plase is cause he thought that this way he can get eaven more power.
He seeks the perfect power mental and physical, that goal is unreachable and he knows it, but that dosnt stop him from pursuing it.