Talk:Volcanic Hot Newsletter/February '07 issue

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Bureaucrat tortured to death

I don't know many bureacrats who carry poisoned daggers and sneak around the enemy camps of High Council members. The fact that your propaganda is forced to lie in order to whine about this incident tells me much about the truth.

You blamed Redspan for your own rape and pillage of Redspan. "After all," you say cheekily, "If they had just paid us lots of gold, they could have avoided this." Well, Darka. This one is just as much your fault. "After all, if your judge hadn't decided to dissolve the Prisoner Pact, you could have avoided this." How does that appeal to you? There's also, "After all, if your realm hadn't decided to send Assassins after High Council members, you could have avoided this." Like that one? Or how about, "After all, if your realm hadn't decided to rape and pillage in Abington and Abington's allies, you could have avoided this." Sound familiar? House Olik 16:48, 4 February 2007 (CET)

As far as the official records are concerned, he was a bureacrat. Whether or not he liked to stab people in the dark, he still held the position of a bureacrat. As such, what is written in the article is truthful: "a Darkan noble was tortured to death by the Abington judge". --Jezralhm 01:40, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Madness. He was an infiltrator, was captured for being an infiltrator, and had a history of being an infiltrator. The only thing you get from lying about it with this "official record" nonsense is to maybe manipulate people into believing he was not a criminal. Ah well, in my "official record" you are a donkey's backside, and therefore it is truthful to write that you are. House Olik 02:34, 5 February 2007 (CET)
(OOC: official records = Battlemaster's records - see player account profile.) Now now, dear noble, name calling is what children revert to. --Jezralhm 07:16, 5 February 2007 (CET)
(OOC - official records also say that the character was captured as a saboteur.) Not at all. I'm simply restating the official record. House Olik 18:55, 5 February 2007 (CET)
What was a Darkan bureaucrat doing in Abington? Or did they capture him elsewhere? --Habap 16:03, 5 February 2007 (CET)
He was captured on the Abington/Redspan border. He was seen lurking about my camp in the middle of the night. With a poisoned dagger in his cloak. "Bureaucrat" indeed! House Olik 18:55, 5 February 2007 (CET)
(OOC: Was his in-game class Infiltrator or Bureaucrat? There can be no doubt that if he was wandering Ambermel or further south with no unit, he was acting as a spy/infiltrator even if he was classed as a Bureaucrat. His history indicates he spent most of his career getting banned as a saboteur from one realm or another and being deported from continents. I think that even if his class was not Infiltrator, he was acting as one and any attempt to garner sympathy by rules-lawyering is likely to fail.) --Habap 19:45, 5 February 2007 (CET))
(OOC - He was an infiltrator in-game.) House Olik 19:35, 8 February 2007 (CET)
He was banished from RedSpan for being a saboteur, but there is no reason as to why the execution by Abingtonian hands happened. --Jezralhm 19:49, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Of course there's a reason. He was a criminal scum who attempted assassination. The penalty for that in Abington is death. House Olik 19:35, 8 February 2007 (CET)
If he was officially an infiltrator, then referring to him as a bureaucrat is in violation of IJARG rules. See Article II.2 Factual truths must NOT be lied about. (OOC- If the game says such and such a realm won a battle, then they did indeed win a battle!) --Habap 20:49, 8 February 2007 (CET)
ooc - Heh that may be, but I'm pretty sure the Volcanic Hot Newsletter editors have not signed IJARG. Nor any other Atamara newsletters either.House Olik 21:02, 8 February 2007 (CET)
ooc = The IJARG is strictly unaffiliated with realm, para-realm, or religious organizations, namely the OCPAU.
The IJARG is only for East Island, for the realms of while fondly remembered Oligarch and Avamar, Caligus, Perdan, and Ubent. No Atamaran newspapers can be involved. Besides, as everywhere infiltrators are mentioned either as bureaucrats or as infiltrators, it is allowed to call them bureaucrats and question the reasons for their execution, as an infiltrator's deeds are hidden even to the nobles of the infiltrator's realm itself. Van Peteghem 21:10, 8 February 2007 (CET)

Cost of the War

What is the cost of Pride and honour? Also out of curiosity how much did it cost to outfit your army? And to maintain it for at least 3 weeks down south? ScottSabin 19:16, 4 February 2007 (CET)

You probably can't put a price tag on such abstract concepts. As for the army, I don't know. Large amounts of RedSpan militia and mobile forces were also killed, but I left them out because factoring those in would be too much of an estimation. The same goes for the Darkan army. Like it says in the article, it's a rough estimate. I'm not sure on the wall costs either, but if you can provide me with accurate figures I'd be more than happy to use them. - LilWolf 19:27, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Im not sure about acurate figures but if memory serves me right, it is about 150-200 gold for Sullenport and 200 for Stargard. Thats per section. If you could find out how much the army cost, it would be great. Ive always wanted to see how much you spend this far from home on mercenary status for a week or more. ScottSabin 19:31, 4 February 2007 (CET)

What is the cost of Pride and honour? You got it right in front of you, Tony, at least 4700 gold because your "pride and honour" (your stubbornness) prevented you from doing what was fair and right. in AJ's case. Van Peteghem 19:49, 4 February 2007 (CET)

Fair? You mean demanding 1200 gold from us to cover the cost a bounty that was only 600 gold? yes, thats fair alright. ScottSabin 19:52, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Considering all the collateral damage done aside from the bounty collection during peace, I would call that a fair price indeed. Van Peteghem 19:53, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Collateral damage? Did i miss somehting in this? The only collateral damage was when you murdered our peasents. ScottSabin 19:55, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Collateral damage as in Darka not having a Banker for two days, and everything that went lost that the banker has to watch frequently, as well as the lack of his bureaucratic skills, unit payment and mental and physical cures, and not to mention the agression during peace. Don't be mistaken, the collateral damage you are talking about is the result of not paying the fine. Van Peteghem 19:59, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Wow Two days...Im sure all your peasents starved in those two big crisis there! Unit Payment? Now your useing excuses...he would have had to pay those men if he was wounded or makes no difference. Try some better reasons next one buys this crap anymore. ScottSabin 20:03, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Noone needs to buy the crap anymore, the war has been fought already. You asked for reasons, I gave you reasons. You don't find them suitable, fine, I don't care, nobody cares, it's done, and it turned out to be a little higher than the initial price... Van Peteghem 20:05, 4 February 2007 (CET)
I can't speak for my fellow Darkans, but I'm leaving RedSpan with more cash gold than I had when I left Azzal, and I left Azzal with a pretty elite bunch of men. Is that a profit? Why, I think it is. And then I'm not talking about the two weeks worth of taxes that I still need to cash. Sure, I lost thirty-one out of thirty-four men, but hey, we all have to die sometime, and it might as well happen when you're enjoying yourself. And fresh mercenaries are abundant. Make no mistake, goat people, this war didn't cost us too much, if anything. Especially when compared to what we dealt to you. -Pizarro 23:06, 4 February 2007 (CET)
Bwahahahaha Bwhahaha BWAH! Vashmere 23:14, 4 February 2007 (CET)
My pockets are heavier than when I left Azzal. Morale of my men have been rather high even though they are not set to be paid as mercenaries. --Jezralhm 01:40, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Yes, but what you arnt sayign is how much that unti cost to recruit and keep. You are all saying that you left Azzal with less gold than yopu take back, that may be true. But you still arnt saying your cost to fight this war. Are you trying to cover something up? ScottSabin 11:07, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Left with about 2 weeks pay, so that's about 100 gold. I return with a little under 200 in gold and bonds. Recruiting a fresh unit (which I intended to do - poorly armored unit) should cost about 150 gold. Assuming taxes came in twice or thrice (~60 gold), I'm guessing I would return after recruitment to be a gain of 40 gold... personally (I did get taxed rather heavily). If we didn't march, certainly I would have more gold to do not much with. --Jezralhm 11:38, 5 February 2007 (CET)

(I did get taxed rather heavily). Thats the only problem. Would you say this is the same for the rest of your fellow nobles? ScottSabin 11:46, 5 February 2007 (CET)

Most likely so, as the tax gold came in we didn't have much chance to withdraw our bonds. Recently I got 14 gold taxed from my bonds. Still, the tax distribution meant that wasn't such a substantial amount as can be perceived. --Jezralhm 11:52, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Ah ok. Thanks for the info :D ScottSabin 12:01, 5 February 2007 (CET)
We declare ONE-ON-ONE war and you goats go and bring in allies into it while you call us bullies. so we do the same and you whine about us bringing allies. We take two months to strategically organize an assault that leaves you mocking us as cowards who are not coming, and when we show we are called slaughters of the innocent. We beat the SNOT out of your little goat-arses and leave with wagons of your gold, living and dead goat meat, AND smiles and songs from all our men who return with victory on their breath, weapons and faces, and YOU start to question the taxing and recruitment fees for the war. I AM SICK of your CRAP! This pansy way of twisting words and flipping rocks in search of grubs to nit pick and swallow is a direct indication on why your people fell in this war. Too much time crying and looking for something to write, not enough time in the war fields kicking arse and taking names. You were CRUSHED, we were victorious. Your own allies turned on you and took advantage of your fallen walls to help loot you. Why? Because no man fears a fracken goat or an idiot who hails one as a God. What next? After the 6 months of ceasefire you will be saying we have been hiding from your savage farm animals you worship? A weak kingdom worships weak symbols. A strong nation eats goat meat tonight. I have over 100 of your holy goats penned in my personal slaughter house and I choose from them the same way our armies picked what peasants to rape or burn. Go lick your wounds and stop using those tongues for anything more. Foolish losers in war.Vashmere 14:54, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Vatticus, First of all nodody ahs lost. This is a CF not and end to a war, just a pause. So be quite. And the fact that you didnt even come down here to fight alongside those of your realm, shows that you are full of mouth and no action. Our allies did not abandon us and loot us, If you are refering to BoM, id surgest you read up on hostory my dear fellow, RS and BoM have always looted each other. We have been in Aliance to make sure our nobles dont get hot headed about it, just like what you are doing now. As for the info on who much it cost Darka to send its army down south, is just for personal referance, not for "nit picking" as you put it. So why dont you go make like a hemaphradite and **** yourself. Have a nice day ScottSabin 15:12, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Spoken like a man who just had his kingdom stomped, raped, burned and looted. Again, just picture my perfect teeth biting into a living goat. Its what I am doing now. isn't that your god? Man o man, your crappy god sure tastes great! MMMMmmmm. Oh and I am sorry I didn't come to help slaughter your weak and whining realm, but ysee, I am a Marshal of Homeguard, and with said title I have a duty to uphold. besides, would you really want one more darkan unit raping and burning your household? Huh? Would ya!? SHUT YOUR MOUTH FARM BOY! I am eating goat for the next 6 months. If your lucky we won't be coming for more. If your REALLY lucky. Fracking dwarf.Vashmere 16:27, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Im sorry, im not going to continue with this...Our levels of intelligence are to wide, it would be a shame for you to carry on this knowing your low level of intelligence. A duty? I remember many people being disguntled about your apointment and that a few even left becasue of it. If your lucky we won't be coming for more Shouldnt this be They, instead of We. We implies that you helped, which of course you didnt. ScottSabin 17:53, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Ok buddy, lets get this right for the last time. NO Darkan LEFT over my promotion to Marshal. Three protested. One was part of the underground and tossed into the Volcano, you know him, he was related to one of you Goaters. Wonder why he was working within ouR realm...hmmmm. Anyways, he was in the underground WAY before me becoming Marshal. And though you have published he was ordered to be in the underground by our Law Mother (a LIE), he admitted openly to the realm it was his own actions along with another Noble (who was banned for ploting to do Darka harm). Yeti (Count Deadi as I call him) left cus he was BANNED for high treason...Nothing to do with me. So lets look at the THREE Nobles who got pissy about ol Vatty Vatt becoming a Noble. A traitor banned for treason (who also commited suicide days hoo), A traitor who was FED to the guessed it Goat boy...ANOTHER traitor. Other then that, no Darkan left over somthing as stupid as me gaining a small promotion in a realm of GIANT warriors. As for ending our communications,your right, this must be done. Not cus your smarter, far from (how smart can a 5ft tall bearded man in a dress be if he writes this way to a man who is 8ft11?) but becuase my king has ordered all hostile words to end. I do not think I broke this law, so I shall end this before I do. Feel free to continue. What you write are lies anyway. You know it, and you do it for very simple reasons. Good day Noble.Vashmere 18:48, 5 February 2007 (CET)

One could easily link the traitors to your appointment. Yeti was banned for protesting to other realms over your appointment. Rumors float that Fade was ordered by you to enter the underground. I only saw two posted protests. I did see others who did not formally protest (thanks to infiltrators from Darka who revealed conversations they'd overheard at home), but objected nonetheless. As far as I am concerned, it is an internal matter for Darka and I will not comment on your appointment again. However, only when you choose to stop hiding behind her skirts or find your way to the King's crown will I accept your statement of anything the troops of Darka do as a We. --Habap 19:55, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Oh, so now it was ME who ordered Fade to enter the underground. How weird I find that your paper stated it was Law Mother Lavigna who gave that order, published a few weeks ago...But now...In a was me who gave the order. I am so glad that either YOU are lieing now, or your paper lied THEN. SO what where is the lie? Either way, it shows a lier to be at work. I shall allow you to it then. Good day with your fabricated stories that paint all but you as at fault. Pick a story and stick to it, it might give your readers a reason to think your worthy of reading. I wouldn't know of course, I can't read. Bwahahaha Bwahaha!Vashmere 23:24, 5 February 2007 (CET)
Mercy Habap. How many crap do you intend to share with Atamara? First of all Yeti protested for Vatticus appointment but the letter he sent to the rulers was also referring to the fact Darka didn't attacked RS and nonsense like that. Ask your King to update you. Also, now Fade was ordered from Vatticus to enter the undergound? No comment... you are lying in your own newspaper and you don't care to show it worldwide. He wasn't ordered by anyone.. on that, ask your Judge which was informed of the messages that showed Fade's crimes. Stop the ridiculous crap you are publishing.. or better stop working as a reporter. Obviously you don't have what it takes. You cannot just state neutrally what happens.. it doesn't help your propaganda!Galadeon
Begging your pardon, but I did not publish the rumors that Vatticus was the one who made an order. I noted here, in discussion that such rumors circulate - I did not state whether I had found any truth in them. Thus far, they are simply rumors and given the time passed, not worth investigating anyway. Neither did I publish a statement saying that he actually was ordered into the underground. What I published was:
Fade stated in his defense that he had been ordered to investigate underground activities. Redspan Revealer/January Edition 2007#Still More Trouble in Darka
This simply states the facts. He stated in his defense that he'd been ordered to do it. I did not evaluate the statement. In your knee-jerk reaction, you assumed that I was endorsing his defense. If you react so quickly and without contemplation as a Judge, I have no doubts as to my evaluation of whether you "have what it takes" to serve as a Judge. Thankfully, I am not subject to your decisions.
You also forget that Yeti's letter was posted: Volcanic Hot Newsletter/January '07 issue#Yeti Banned!. Nothing in his letter says anything about RedSpan. In fact, his internal protest said nothing about RedSpan either: Volcanic Hot Newsletter/Vatticus as Marshal.
I think that's good reporting. Since it miakes you look bad, you are calling it mere propaganda. To each his own. --Habap 17:18, 6 February 2007 (CET)
If I may: You guys are pathetic. Fade's case has nothing to do with it. Come up with some relevant facts. Easy
I had enough of this joke of a conversation.And i will tell you something.I dunnot care what you or your readers or the readers of this newspaper believe.Thankfully you are not in my realm and thankfully my comrades find me perfect for my job and thankfully my job has nothing to do with you.You want to say i am bad?I am bad.You want to say i banned Fade because he protested me,go an shout it wherever you want.But you are too young and insignificant in order to judge me and my job.If it fits you to accuse me ,continue doing it.I know i do the best for my realm,i know i banned a traitor and i banned a man that spoke in the worse way possible for his realm,in it and out of it.And what matters is that i and my realm know the truth.What you think is irrilevant and insignificant.
I am serving the Law and i am no part of contract.I serve Darka,i don t serve the Law of other realms.So what i do is my business.Even when we work for other realms....the Law of Darka is never included in contracts.So go on and throw as much mudd as you want.You won t achieve anything.You believe Fade because in his defence he stated that he was ordered to enter the dungeons...Fine.And what if i tell you that he asked me to kill him?Would you believe it?No because it wouldn t give a nice propaganda-story against Darka.We all understand your "truth" but what is ridiculous is that you are writting these comments in the newspaper of Darka,towards a realm that lived the truth of this story.Go on and humiliate yourself,no problem.I am fed up by the nonsense i heard so far from you and Gauihu,the fact you are trying to attack so much Darka even when obviously you are wrong make all of your words sounds like nonsense.And this IS the last you re hearing from me. Lavigna Galadeon
Good to know that when I refute each of your points, all you feel capable of is closing your eyes, covering your ears and shouting "Lies! Lies! Lies!" If the facts bother you, denying them won't make them go away. --Habap 20:32, 6 February 2007 (CET)

"Just to clarify, although it is late now, Fade never claimed to have been ordered to search the underground. Told to, yes, but not ordered (the person that told him to was not above him in rank in any way). Just thought I'd put that out there. - Fade 2:47, 6 February 2007 (EST)"

That is copied from your newspapers.I guess it was written from one of his relatives?Also i believe the one that told him to enter the undergound would be probably Manic...the one that got caught for wanting to attack Talerium.But then again i just assume it.So i hope this is clear enough for you to go and change your newspaper and state the truth.he man was a traitor and got what traitors deserve.And i state that for the sake of truth! Lavigna

Tony, Tony, Tony... t-t-t (I did get taxed rather heavily). Thats the only problem. Do you know where those taxed coins come from? From your lands. Do you know where they go from? Into the Darkan tax coffers to be divided under the Darkans... Gee, a terrible problem! -Easy

Have to agree with Easy. --Jezralhm 08:21, 6 February 2007 (CET)