Silverus Family

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The Silver Family

Originally coming from Tichi, this family has begun to make a name for itself. The family has 1185 gold in its stores, and has four Fame.

Richard Silver

Born into a wealthy family of slightly known brewers, Richard 'the Courageous' Silver is probably the most well known member of the Silver Family. Sales of the Silver Family Ale had increased greatly, mostly because of him. The family's wealth has thus been raised and the family name is more well known.

Since the time that he first picked up the sword, he has served in ASI. He is currently the Count of Yacon.

Other Relatives

There are a few other relatives or people who have been given the Silver Family's name.


Sifeer is Richard's very distant relative, who at one point served under him, mostly in a cavalry unit, and for a very short time in an infantry unit. After recieving a very severe injury that should have ended his career, he had attempted to get medical treatment on his own. After being met by only hardship, the Silver family took him into their care. After healing, sponsored by the Silver family, he immigrated to Sirion, where he now leads a cavalry unit in the Sirion military. He has a noticeable limp in his walk, has several scars, and his shield arm has less than average reflexes. He can still use the sword and lance pretty well, amongst other weapons.

Because he knew Doc's Revenge, he has sworn alliegance to Doc, Duke of Oligarch.