Date Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

Date Family, originates from Viseu of the East continent, currently have 3 members to fight for mortal fame on the lands of Belutta and East continent.

With their easterners lands blood, they prefer to have their surname prior to their given name while introducing theirselves.

Kakeru , Date

Class: Hero
Age: 31 years

Position held:

Marshal of the Lion Rose,
Former lord of Rii,
Former Marshal of Athol Margos

Current Captain: Sigismud

The first youth of the family came from Coimbra before Krimml was lost to the hordes of Oligarch. Part of a remnant of a broken realm he decide to pursuit a new life in a new world, rather than relying on unreliable Fontanese. Slowly he fought well on the battlefield of Riombara, and won him fame and glory over the great sea.
During his voyage to the new land, a band of loyal guard follows him. Kakeru met these men in the recruitment center in Athol Margos, bit by bit the knights came to trust Kakeru's commanding ability and faith in them, and choose to devote their lives in guarding Kakeru on the battle field. Old Jack, the eldest veteran and the calmest one in the band, swore fealty to this foreigner.

Sword - moderate (35%)
jousting- amateur (15%)
Leadership - moderate (30%)

Asuliva , Date

Class: Soldier
years: 35

Slightly elder than Kakeru, he decide not to follow his brother's path for success. Over the Lands of Atamara he choose Abington as his second home. He tried to be a burocrats, but his battle nature drive him back to become a normal soldier again. With his beloevd mentor Elantus assination, he is glowed for the moment, as he can hardly found a reliable friends among such a huge realm.

Asuliva's recent event

[ Deported to the Far East ]

" Ibladesh.... What an awful place for me... "

Ausliva jumped off from the boat and yelled once he steped on the soil of a new realm. He does not trust the realm he is entering through a simple letter from his cousin, Alexander, who's still an low-profiled adventurers earning his own living in this country, but obviously he has no choice.

After months of torturing within the jail, his leg are no longer as nimble as he once was. Ausliva still has fury in his eye, and still eager to revenge through his endless murdering of any Ibladeshians he found in this city, though he was unable to do so.

The judge took all the bond and gold from him, a once loyal infiltrator who is banned and deported because of doing some mischef on the roads between Perdan and Kalmer Island, and charged him for plotting agaisnt Ibladesh...

Ausliva refused to flash back anymore, as his heart is broken. He managed to grab himself some noble's outfit, with money he saved hardly during his career in Abington, and head towards the council for searching his new identity as a new knight.

Lansour Valon , Date

Class: Chevalier
years: 35

Adopted the middle name of his grandfather, he wished to have a unique adventure on the lands of East continent. At first he serve Fontan as self-exercising movement, after the victory over Oligrach, Lansour Valon answered his middle brother's call to serve Riombara, and devoted to save it from her jealous neighbour.

Alexander , Date

Class: Chevalier

As a nephew of Kakeru, he wish to experience a adventurous life over the great sea. Finally he chose Far East as his first stage.