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< Irombrozia
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  • Irombrozia is a constitutional monarchy which recognizes the authority of the King, yet also strives to garuntee certain rights, freedoms, and protections to its nobility. This constitution is flexible within reason, and is not yet ratified.


  • Irombrozia is divided into four Estates, four class divisions. Theya re now listed and explained from lowest to highest.

First Estate

  • The peasantry, non-nobles. No legislative role or responsibility, but encouraged to remain in close contact with local nobles, to make their demands heard. Has the special right to strike, or to declare independence. Led by the Third Estate and Fourth Estate.

Second Estate

  • Very wealthy peasantry, noble bastards unclaimed by sires, bottom rung of nobility. Also known as the Questorship. Given little to no legislative role or responsibility, but important as a potent branch of the nation, and given great opportunity to rise up in the ranks. Led by the Royal Questor, a chosen agent of the Crown from among the members of the Second Estate.

Third Estate

  • Average nobles, also known as the Assembly of the Crown. An important legislative body, and the majority of nobles in the realm. Led by the King and Grand Vizier.

Fourth Estate

  • The landed nobles and council members, and other specially favored nobles. Important legislative body, led by the King. Also known as the Cabinet of the Crown.


  • War- War cannot be declared except by vote of the Cabinet and the Assembly, unless the King chooses to exercise his Royal Right or make a pre-emptive strike, which can be later overturned.
  • Peace, Neutrality, Alliance- Free to be negotiated solely by the King, but the King is strongly encouraged to keep the Cabinet and Assembly updated, and ask for their opinions and ideas.
  • Hatred- Only by vote of the Cabinet and Assembly
  • Federation- Only by vote of the assembly

Tax Law

  • The choice of the Treasurer. But, if the Assembly so chooses, it may vote on a tax change. With a vote of over 60%, the Assembly may make any one change to the tax system, and this may be done as many times as necessary. The Treasurer is required to comply and, if he does not, shall be compelled by the Judge and King.

Judicial Practice

Rights, Laws, and Priveliges


  • Any government officer may be compelled to step down by a 75% vote of the Assembly, AND a 2/3 vote by the nation on the whole, including the Questorship.


  • When discussing voting, percentages shall be based upon a "of votes cast" basis. That is to say, one need not have 51% of all TLs to have a majority, merely 51% of all votes cast.

Elastic Clause

  • Any item may be added or removed from this document before it is ratified. Once ratified, it may only be changed by majority vote of the assembly or cabinet.