Riombara/The Great War

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First Campaign (June-July 1006)

  • Luz and Enweil attack us
  • Avalon attacks Fronen, preventing them supporting us
  • we loose Fwuvoghor to Enweil, but manage to hold off Luz at first.
  • We loose Ardmore to Luz
  • We loose Rueffilo and Bolkenia to Luz
  • Irombro seceeds, taking Rii and Bolkenia with them - Riombara is reduced to the isles.
  • Enweil makes peace with us, handing Melegra back
  • Luz takes Rii from Irombro

First Campaign, results

  • During the first campaign we loose Fwuvoghor and all of our southlands due to fighting against odds of 2:1 and Irombros secession. Riombara is halved in size.

Second Campaign (August 1006)

  • Fronen steadily gains against Avalon
  • Enweil attacks Plergoth - their own creation
  • we attack Ardmore - defeat. We manage to kill enough Luzian soldiers to enable Irombro some breathing space
  • Fronen makes peace with Avalon, reducing Avalon significantly.
  • Fwuvoghor seceeds from Enweil, enabling allied reinforcements to reach us
  • Avalon helps Luz to assault Irombro (17.000 CS), but retreats afterwards.
  • Fronens first wave arrives. We attack Ardmore (18.000 CS against 20.000 CS) - defeat
  • we attack Ardmore again - defeat

Second campaign, results

  • During the second campaign we manage to hold on, even giving the Irombrozians some breathing space.

Third Campaign (September 1006)

  • Fronen's second wave is arriving (Sept 13 - Sept 17)

4th Assault against Ardmore, Sept 19

  • 23.000 CS attack Luz' entrenched 19.000 CS in Ardmore - and finally we break their defense. We have 14.000 CS left and start a TO of Ardmore. Luz still has 7.000 CS in Irombro, suppressing the Irombrozians.
  • Fronen attacks into Rueffilo
  • Luz retreats from Irombro
  • after 5 days our TO is successfull (Sept 24) - Ardmore is ours again. Due to the claims being installed when the war started, it is now Luz who has a claim on Ardmore, not us...
  • Luz recruits massively in Grehk - 19.000 mobile CS

5th battle of Ardmore, Sept 25

  • After part of our forces did leave Ardmore, Luz attacks: 17.000 CS against 13.500 of ours. We loose. Losses 9.000 of ours (plus 2.000 more to come) against 7.500 of Luz.