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The church of Hemaism is dedicated to the worship of Hemaglobe and the Dragons of Jobo. The official religion of the realm of Sint, Hemaism has grown from a minor religion in the northern wastes to one of the largest religions in Belaterra.

The banner of Hemaism is a yellow triskelion, with each branch made of a dragon (Eastern-style, rather than Western-style).


The great god Hemaglobe watches over all of his faithful, leading them to war against heretics and enemies. Under his command are not only the earthly forces of the human faithful, but also his legions of worshippers in his own reality. Leading his forces are the Dragons of Jobo, and above them his dread Lieutenants: Hastur, Nyarlathotep and the Yellow King. These forces continue their millenia-long war in their reality just as the forces of Hemaglobe fight here.

The Dragons of Jobo

Their home in the far northern region of Jobo's Mouth, the Dragons of Jobo are Hemaglobe's blessed children, carrying out his will in both the Earthly realm and Hemaglobe's own. They have been granted their own powers by Hemaglobe so that they may better bring swift destruction to his enemies.

While undoubtedly many Dragons take the form of a Dragon, the title 'Dragon' simply means Hemaglobe's blessed, and is not a physical description.


One of the three dread Lieutenants, Hastur commands the armies of Aldebaran in the name of Hemaglobe.

The Yellow King

The Yellow King leads the armies of Carcosa in the name of Hemaglobe.


Nyarlathotep has no single place or people to lead as his own. Instead, he takes those that have died in Hemaglobe's service, from any place or reality, so that they may serve Hemaglobe until the end of days. Those that die in our world in the name of Hemaglobe may be brought back by Nyarlathotep to fight again in the name of Hemaglobe in his reality.