The Blackest Word

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The Blackest Word


The Blackest Word is a place for members of The Blackest Cult and readers of The Blackest Bible to openly communicate with each other and make public ideas and concerns with our world at hand. No one should use their real users names (it is urged that you make a new user name to protect your identity). This is an open forum to all members, but as it is an evil forum, I reserve all rights to destroy or remove any and all things I wish.

Welcome to The Blackest Word.

--The Blackest Pen 17:34, 12 August 2006 (CEST)The Blackest Pen

Greetings all who see.

I ask, why is it that most governments are evil but tend to use their power to control and limit their people? is it because they fear equals or an uprising in result of allowing their people true evil freedom? I do not question their right to being so selfish and iron-handed (that would be a direct slap to much of the words I leak daily), I just wonder why evil governments always hide their true colors.

Could it be that they can not build a nation with enough lovers of freedom that they could maintain a hold on the thrown? Or is it that they are selfishly hoarding the freedoms of evil for themselvs and herding the "good" sheep?

Are they afraid of the numbers of good out numbering the numbers of evil within their realms?

Or are they just enjoying the bounties that are produce by farming "good" cattle?

I wonder. Abington, Carelia and Cagilan Empire seem to be herding sheep instead of fearing evil, since there is a huge public display of evil. Its sad these nations can not agree to be openly evil, instead of hideing like worms. I respect them for being some of the most underhanded governments known to man...I just wonder why they do not promote their evil openly when the Kings, prime minister, justicars and judges are all, without a doubt, evil at the root.

--The Blackest Pen 19:26, 12 August 2006 (CEST)The Blackest Pen

The Blackest Cult's preachers have just left the vile lands of CE. The Prime minister there was a fine man. No one I perosnally want dead, but if you do, then kill him! Anyway. We found five more people to walk with us on our quest to bring a new world. The BC has grown and now our preachers travel west. The preachers are starting to call this walk "The Blackest World Tour", and it has come to far to ever be stopped now. The virus is out, and the people want to be sick! Hail the BC!

--The Blackest Pen

Know that the vile creatures in Outer Tilog have heard wispers of your efforts. AlexTurner 22:30, 13 August 2006 (CEST)

The Evil shall be helped on it's way for so long as it does not hinder my progress, also, in the East. Widfara/--The1exile

The gods and creatures of Outer Tilog are of great evil, and for that I seek to commune with them on all matters of chaos and understanding. I am honored to know they have heard my prayers, and I pay homage unto them for their unholy greatness. May my love further summon their wisedom and chaos closer to us all.

The Blackest Pen


That is a wonderful offer. I hope to promote and help your progress with supporting evil. Thank you for your favored retort, and your wisdom.

The Blackest Pen

Northern Beluaterra is vulnerable at the moment. If the cult's eyes were to shift in that direction, there is much power to be had with little effort. A war over religion has made Sint overconfident, and it's victims weak and desperate. A strong leader could easly bend several realms to his will. ShadowWatcher

SW ShadowWatcher. You show inteligence in seeing our plans correctly. Though it may not be in Beluaterra (or it may), after "The Blackest World Tour", our Cult does plan to invade and take over a land of our choice. It will then be renamed "Decadence" and be allowed to be the first Freedom based land in all the world. But we will need great numbers for this. Once we have enough allies and supporters, we will then hold a meeting. All of our members and allies will then debate in secret on who we should invade, and why. From there we will all choose a government. As The Blackest Pen (If I am alive to see our dream) I will NOT be taking any title of power within that land. My word is solid and I serve only evil, not myself or any land. My only reward in this quest of duty is to see Evil finally have its empire and rightful place. I will hope to see a truly evil lord elected on that day. One who allows the freedom I have seen in visions. I hope everyone keeps their eyes on the prize, and agrees that evil MUST own at lest one Kingdom.

The Blackest Pen

"Good" Press

Press. The Naicato Herald (A lost view lacking insight into truth) Wrote this in a recent artical.

"The Cagilan Empire has recently rid ourselves of the evil cult which calls itself The Blackest Cult. I must commend Abington and Carelia of being noble and good enough to have rid themselves of this menace in the past. They have a long ways to go before clearing themselves completely of evil though. I urge you to break your ties with Redspan. It is polluting your nobles minds. More news on The Blackest Cult will follow as several days ago I talked to Vatticus himself."

This wonderful lie helps us greatly. Not only did Abington and Carelia not get rid anything of The Blackest Movement, they are lands now infected with members in offical chairs of office. We have left very powerful seeds in these vile gardens, seeds that if they continue to grow and support the Blackest Cult's desire to bring a unified evil to this world, will without doubt help bring about the destruction of these lands. The blackest things grow from the most hidden of evils. Our kind laugh at newspapers that assume quickly that a nation has defeated and removed evil. No sickness is ever removed by plucking out single cells. No dark plant dies from loosing one leaf. We would all like to thank the Naicato Herald for doign what all stupid men who follow good god's do; "bragging about a win that never took place and fooling the nations to feel safe by telling them there is no devil left in town.

The Blackest Pen

More "good" press

The Naicato Herald has once again proven itself a double agent for evil by publically panhandling for each of our members execution. here is the press.

"An evil cult, calling itself the The Blackest Cult, has risen in the lands of Atamara, more specifically the Cagilan Empire. They promote evil, pain, prostitution, death, looting, raping, drugs and many other perverted things. I warn all realms to fight them and if caught while rogue to execute. This evil must be stopped at all costs. Nothing is more dangerous than something that taunts us with the openess of their evilness."

Now isn't that the MOST evil you can ask for from a bunch of fools who have no real church? No real cause? No real idea whats going on? These "men", equal to every man alive, have judged each and every member of The Blackest Cult as killers rapists and theives. I want each member to picture themselvs...Now yes, a few of you ARE all those things...But mostly those who walk with us as family are evil simply becuase they are lawless. We have many members who simply do not want any governmen of man to lead them or order them.

But these witch hunters think you are all worth killing. Let that be know. Each one of us has our own free choice on how to see this. But I see it as an attack on me and my family. I see it as evil. I see it as lies and slithering...I see Naicato for what it REALLY is

"A group that should join The Blackest Cullt"

They are evil and publically scream for each one of our deaths. Not just those of us who deserve to die, but those of us who are so civil that your only sin to ALL KINGDOMS is that you see the truth...Man has built a world of good to limit us...and destroy or freedom to do as we please.

One member...I hope he reads this...Is so easy to confuse as good. He never hurt a man out of battle. never wanted a man dead or desired for murder. Never stole a thing in his life and worships good nature above all things. But recently choosing man's Blackest right to freedom, this man decided to never kill in war again...The realm dubbed him now he is my beloved brother and his rights to NOT KILL and NOT STEAL are protected by me and all his family.

Good to see he should be hung if captured. Hang us will make us grow even faster. Stupid men of false gods.

Lastly, The Blackest Cult has never promoted torture, death, killing, rape. We only promote that every man do what he wishes to do. I enjoy murdering, it relaxes me and pleases sick parts of my body and mind. I also like chokeing mothers while the husband watches bound and gagged. I like seeing maggots eat dead children, and false churches of false gods fall.

I am Evil. I am Free.

They promote evil, like you. pain, to those who want to stop freedom. prostitution, your the one who lives in a land that sells brothle whores. death, You promote my death..and many many more. looting, HELL YEAH! raping, we call it "forceful love" its under the 2nd chapter. drugs, oh and your taverns are empty of drunk fools looking clumbsy and weak?

ENOUGH of your snake talk! YOU are ALL these THING!

Join us..or in time die by us. The Blackest Pen