Vashmere Family

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The Vashmere family hails from a distant land called "Sother", not found on any maps within the BM realms. The family was once very wealthy and considered bluest-of-blood among the nobles there. The family retained much of its wealth throughout the rise and fall of the Brooksheild empire, and saw the coming and going of the "Vain Moral"

The Vashmere family is known for its incredible lust for life, art, science, philosophy and all things of wealth and luxery. The family made most of its wealth trading wine and leaf, but eventually got into land-trading, resulting in the loss of all its wealth. The family has sworn to return itself to glory by regaining its honor and wealth in other lands. The family has sent three brothers to Atamara to begin this quest.

After losing much of the family wealth on a "bad land trade" between Vashmere and Rohaven, the family was reduced to selling all they owned and shipping the rest of the family out to lands that may not harbor the harsh views on the fallen Vashmereien family. The locals of Sother had turned on the Vashmere family apon its losing of wealth and power, cuasing the remaining sons of Victor Von (the 2nd) and Yesenia Vashmere to seek solace and wealth in the lands of Abington.

VICTOR VON VASHMERE III The youngest of the three sons arrived first.Victor Von vashmere the third- at the age of 17, finally arrived in Sudfern, becoming a Knight under the leige "Gerd" a hero of Atamara.

The young Knight Victor Von, has spent his begining days searching for the finer meaning of life, and has no real intent on regaining the family fortune now that he has learned of the real value of life. "To struggle for peace, and perfection of mind".

The Young Knight was known for his tongue and pen, and the annoying manner that both seem to adopt. Long wording, endless pondering, year-long wandering thoughts. His sentences meandor like rivers (endlessly with no intent on finding a point quickly), but his heart is gold. Saddly, Victor was challenged to a duel and slain by the Noble "Danny" of Abington. The duel was legal and but some say without honor. Many saw the loss of Victor to be a horrible turn of events and perhaps the coming of the gale force winds. The death of Victor directly summoned his brother to Abington; Vatticus Rex Vashmere

VATTICUS REX VASHMERE The first born of Victor Von the 2nd, and the worst of his children. Vatt has been called many things in his service to his father; Devil, Murderer,Sadist,Vampire, Demon. Those who charged him publically within the Jamoonian settlments (within Sother) were put to death for defameing the Vashmere name. Vatticus has no love in his heart other then for his mother (Yesenia Vashmere). Vatticus can not read, and detests explaing himself to any mortal. It is commonly suspected that Vatticus has loost his mind to some sickness or physical damage to his brain. Both may be true. Many locals of the Vashmerian lands have accused Vatticus of worshiping the devil "Toth". Vatt does not think his shell is mortal or able to die. This is shown in his fearless nature and disobedience in the face of all.

Vatt now runs from Abington's high priest, who has said "will hang Vatt" if captured. Vatt is not afriad of death acutally. he is afriad if he dies, his "sickness" will pass to another. He has often be heard saying "The devil is inside me" and he thinks his death would make that devil travel to another Vashmerien or worse- The Arch preist of Abington.

VINCENT VON VASHMERE Young, brave and thoughtful of others, Vincent is the "good son". He is a Knight of Nighthelm, in the Far East. Recently he has gathered word of his mother's suicide, and his brother's (Vatt) current affiars. His saddness for both Victor (and now) his mother's death has driven him deeply inward. He knows his family's curse and fears it may come for him when Vatt is finally hung for his life long crimes. Vincent wishes to help fight evils within Nighthelm, but fears that his mind might fall prey to the evil that has infected his family for generations. His only hope is to protect himself by serving the greatest good he can find.

WEALTH the vashmere family is currenlty worth less then 1000 gold, and await wealth from the children sent. The wait will be long indeed. Dirt poor and greedy, the Vashmere family will do anything to get their fortune back.

CURSE Many family's of old Sother carry a curse from the eldest gods, or so lore would claime. The eldest gods of darkness are known in 11 names, one being Toth. Toth, "the goddess of brutality and reveng" has not had a church or worshiping circle for over 5000 years, but rumor has it that Toth hides in the flesh of a Vashmerien at all times. Vatt claimes he has that devil inside him- But such a thing can always be chalked up to self-glory and mental war tactics to obtain the upper hand agiasnt weak minded enemies. No one knows if Vatt is serious about this demon, but some close to him say he is.

If the curse is real, then the Vashmerian bloodline is infected, and at all times one family member will carry Toth inside them. To slay the host would simply remove the demon from that member of the family and put it insde another. The demon will travel to another in the family, turning him or her evil until slain.