Fontan's Fundamental Freelancer

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Fontan's Fundamental Freelancer


  • "Freedom or Falsehood? We find out!" ...and not for you, but because we want to- so you know it must be good stuff.
  • "Interviews and Opinions from other perspectives!" ...because no one cares about Fontan's perspective but her and her friends.

Works in Progress: SP - Gregor's Goof, Int - Yss/Eleran & Cally/Gwynyth, Column - Jean's Judgement
Date: Mid-June


Began when an unsatisfied youth started her own newspaper to seek truth in a world of politics and paper-pushers. Luna MacGregor was that woman and it was the selfish designs of the world she was unsatisfied with, seeing every single person as nothing more than another person hiding within their own bubble. This is her attempt not only to escape her own, but to free others with her.
