Caligan Courier/June'06

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Caligus icon.PNGThe Caligan Courier May '06Caligus icon.PNG
Price: Free to the SA N/A for the NA ------------------------ Printed In Domus--------------------------- Editors: Talless; Kamekaze

Cartor and Vlad Reinstated, Kamekaze gets promoted and Glen resigns

High Marshal Doombringer and Royal Treasurer Medium get themselves captured but are thankfully released in a prisoner exchange deal set up by Glen and Is Est. In Medium's absence Vlad regains his seat on all our gold. Later, Tramii also got captured allowing Cartor to be reinstated. Upon his appointment he named our very own Kamekaze as his Marshal.

Cartor and Kamekaze went out for drinks and Vlad came along later. By the end of the night, Cartor had to be carried home to face the wrath of his girlfriend Erica. During the course of the night, Baroness Talless was angered by the men's "uncorteous" behaviour and promptly ordered all alcohol in Aestus to be destroyed. Kamekaze immediately launched a smuggling program thanks to his contacts from when he himself was Baron of Aestus. Our prayers are with the brave men saving the sacred liquids from the purge of Talless. Full details of the night can be found in the special magazine found enclosed in this issue

Also we have a new judge!! Yes, Glen has resigned for a few months having secured a prisoner exchange programe. New reason to celebrate for Cartor however is still hammered from the previous evening.