Roman Family

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The nobiliy of the family is great, but not so great as the unsatiable curiostiy of the Romans. The Roman family prides itself on it's great curiousity that helps it to advance in all realms and societies. Currently members of the family have come forth to take on the world, Namus, Darinus, and Harlonin.

Namus Roman

He currently resides in Redspan the land of Da Great Goat. Wishing to take a route different than most he is a trader. He is most curious and helps the family with the tasks of finding out about each of the family's investigations while on his trading trips to the north.

Darinus Roman

Unlike his brother Namus, Darinus has no doubt as to what he aspires to be. He clearly wants to be a warrior and has headed to the South-East Island for the experience of battle under the banner of Sandalak. He also works as the investigator for the Roman Family finding much about old realms long gone.

Harlonin Roman


In the midst of a battle on the plains of Atblane Harlonin found himself and stepped from his older brother's shadow to make a name for himself. He remains in Redspan fighting alongside his brother, but no longer does he fight for his brother he now fights for himself and his own ideals. Not long before the war with ASI ended Harlonin lef for Perdan. Namus was of course there to see him off and Harlonin sailed off to serve Perdan as a soldier.

The Roman Curiousity

Currently the Romans are looking for information on the forgotten realm of Lamar using the help of both Namus, Darinus, and Harlonin. Already much information has been found if you have any information about Lamar please post it on the Lamar page.