Khader Family

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Khader Family
Image 2021-01-28 220221.png
the Khader family Heraldry
Fame 21
Wealth 4620
Home Region Frundi
Home World Colonies

Started on 2020/10/03. The father of the nobles Axel Khader decided to make all his sons go serve kings and queens to make a legacy that lasts eternity itself, so he let them chose which realms they'd join but the careers were funded by Axel's sister and the nobles' aunt.

Tradition of Naming

The Khader Family contains four nobles and three Adventurers and all of them are half brothers of the same father but from different mothers

Tradition of Naming Nobles

It is a family tradition that their father created and it is to name all of your sons by the same name, Ahmadkin Imad, to unit their legacy, and so far it has worked to keep good relations with everyone of the half brothers.

Tradition of Naming Adventurers

The Adventurers are a different story, although they are also half brothers of the same father, to not mix up between the nobles and the adventurers, decided to name them Ahmadkin.


The start of the Khader family was complex at first, but they quickly handled all issues that came in their path.


Their Home Region is Frundi on Colonies in the realm Portion but their home region had a rebellion had was took over by (rogue) and was left by Portion due to them not bring able to hold more regions.

First Noble

The first noble to start a military career was Ahmadkin in Portion in Colonies.

First Noble's death

Soon his arrival he tripped and stabbed himself with his own sword in the throat and instantly died, what an eventful life he would've had.

Second Noble

Ahmadkin Imad started a military career in Shadowdale in East Continent, and was a knight of Dulbin with his liege John Wolfe, soon Ahmadkin Imad was shown the ropes by his Shadowdalian friends and his ruler Lindow Moonsun The Shadow King of Shadowdale.

Lordships of the Second noble

Lordship of Dulbin

Ahmadkin Imad was appointed the Viscount of Dulbin, due to his liege being inactive, and The shadow king needing someone to replace him, so Ahmadkin Imad send a letter to his king explaining he would be the best one for the job since he is already a knight of Dulbin.