Perdan (Realm)/PBP

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Perdan's Blackmane Paladins

The Young Lions of Perdan. Black plumes, fiery hearts, steel resolve.

Sponsor: Queen Alyssa Kingsley of Perdan

Marshal: Dame Lorelai Chamberlain

Vice-Marshal: Sir Jacelyn Goldwater

Past Commanders (Descending)


Vice Marshals:

  • Dame Lorelai Chamberlain
  • Margravine Delphine de Montigny


With Perdan's strength having grown significantly, in early 1020 the Blackmane Paladins were formed by Royal Decree of King Kay of Perdan under the advisement of the Military Council and Imperatrix Alyssa Kingsley. Prince Nemean JeVondair Renodin was selected as the first Marshal of the Paladins, and selected Dame Delphine de Montigny as his Vice. Intended as an army to introduce new knights to the rigours of warfare, Prince Nemean saw his role as much the same, and some months after his nomination, stepped down. He publicly named Delphine de Montigny as his successor at a Grand Gala held by Duke Smiddich Fontaine aboard his vessel, the Wayfarers Gambit.

Some months later, upon the ascension of Duke, now King, Smiddich to the throne, he took up the mantle of sponsorship, continuing the decree that the Paladins be upkept by a Royal sponsor. The paladins saw action during the war against Nivemus, when they were deployed first on the Obsidian isles and then on the mainland against Eponlli forces.

After the disappearance of King Smiddich and the election of the new Queen Alyssa has former Marshal of the Paladins Delphine de Montigny been elected as Imperatrix. Lorelai Chamberlain, Dame of Aix has been promoted to the position of Marshal and received Sir Jacelyn Goldwater as her second in command.