Sacris Incendium

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Sacris Incendium, which in the ancient tongue of The Colonies translates as Sacred Fire, is considered a religion by most observers, but in reality Sacris Incendium is much more accurately thought of as a philosophical tradition. It deals less in the metaphysical mysteries of human existence, instead teaching adherents about natural rights, statesmanship, virtue, as well as the eternal ascension and decline of human beings and human institutions. It was founded in the city of Alowca, in the realm of Halcyon by Caravanthian Arylon during the Renaissance Era.

Adherents use the symbol of the Phoenix as a representation of what they call The Cycle of Fire, personifying the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth in our common experience.

Enter the Temple of the Phoenix, and learn to control the Sacred Fire, to inspire and enjoy prosperity, and forestall decline. Learn to accept and even embrace death and loss, as it is always followed by renewal. Enter, and learn to achieve a lasting, worthwhile legacy that will be eternal.




no belief in a single god


In ancient Colonial Culture, fire was often associated with a god, or was revered as a god itself. Fire was associated with a living being--it ate, breathed, grew, decayed, and died--in many religions. Fire was so basic to the human experience that it persisted in the minds of humanity as an element close to nature.

Fire, as an instrument of both destruction and renewal, can be seen in many examples. For instance, fire burns through a forest, the old growth in the forest burns away to allow space for the new forest to emerge from beneath.

The role of fire in the symbol of rebirth is best known through the phoenix. The mythical phoenix dies by spontaneous combustion. It bursts into flames and disintegrates into ashes. Then, from the ashes, a new phoenix is born to live its live again.

The Nature of the Universe

Incendist cosmology is cyclic—the universe is seen as being in a constant process of re-creating itself. Throughout our lives, we experience constant death -- the death of friendship, the death of possession, the death of ignorance, the death of love -- and are then routinely reborn again, to experience these things anew and grow together toward a more perfect understanding of life, and the universe around us.


Logic and Reason


The Self



Sacred Texts