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Realms of Beluaterra
Icon Name Description
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Kingdom of Ar Agyr Ar Agyr, the Land of the Five Duchies. Home to fearless warriors.

We are not the biggest or strongest, but we are the meanest! We kill demons, undead, monsters, and anyone who sides with them. We hate peace, it makes people lazy and fat. War keeps our men in shape and our blades sharp. Join us!

Kingdom of Irondale Irondale, forged through the merger of 4 former great realms: Angmar, Caelint, Gotland and Grehkia.

Based on the pillars created by Nothoi - its founding realm, as well as on two other fallen realms during one of many Daimon invasions of Beluaterra (Caelum and Sint).

Democracy of Nothoi At the heart of Beluaterra lies Nothoi, the beacon of enlightenment and justice for all of Beluaterra. Fierce and noble, the people of Nothoi have always found collective strength in each other, embracing democratic principles for generations. The White Wolf, native to the slopes of the central mountains, is the symbol of Nothoi, for wolves travel and hunt together in packs, just as we ourselves band together. But beware, do not trifle with the White Wolf, for its fangs are sharp.
Kingdo of Lux Nova The enigmatic Novans have nothing to say about themselves.
Theocracy of Obia'Syela Sacred Obia'Syela is a theocracy, the seat of the religious order, The Heralds of Obeah. It is a refuge of scholarly pursuit in the study of magic, a safe harbor from terror of war, oppression, and is utterly committed to destroying the Daimons of the Netherworld. Its Old Capital, Keffa, was delivered from the daimons to mankind by Obeah, but the Heralds were later driven to Rines, a gift from Fronen, by Archdaimon Jomorsh.
Kingdom of Shattered Vales USVA!

Relentless hordes of Daimons, Undead and Monsters, assailed us. But with equally relentless resolve we repelled the horrors and rebuilt what was broken into a realm of many cultures.

Our diverse and colorful duchies shine together now as a light against the darkness, the crystal armor encasing our realm with an unyielding fortitude.

Now, we Unshatter the Shattered Vales and secure our Empire!

Unshatter the Shattered Vales!


Kingdom of Thalmarkin Forsaken from day one of the invasion by all with a right mind, Thalmarkin stood against all odds. Fending off tens of thousands of undead we did not waver.

When all others bowed their heads we looked right into the eyes of the dead and saw twisted light fade into eternal darkness. Steel bought our lives, Discipline our victory and Tenacity our everlasting glory.

Now they will pay for our rise.

The Bear has awakened, never to sleep again.

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Kingdom of Vordul Sanguinis Vordul Sanguinis, also known as the Sanguine Empire, is a strict power based Tyranny centered around Emperor Xlair Silverblade.

The Disciples lead the Empire under Xlair's command, and conduct the Blood Oath to provide the Mark of the Sworn to earn the title of Blood Sworn. Those who refuse the Oath are the Forsworn, and cannot hold lands or positions within the Ministry or War Council.