BattleMaster Wiki talk:Article example

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Table of Contents everywhere?

I'm not extatic about the idea of having a table of contents on every page. Some pages are just going to be too small or focused on one topic not to need so many headers as to merit a ToC (afaik, four). Also, what's the point when something gets long enough to merit its own page? I had a bit of a struggle over this when I typed up the basic Unit page, wondering whether I should describe morale as much as needed, or whether to give an overview then link to the main page. I know morale effects regions as well as units, but ignoring the region morale it gives you an idea of the problem. DorianGray 20 July 2005 11:45 (CEST)

Any longer article should have a TOC. If your article is very short, you should check if it really justifies being it's own article. --Tom 20 July 2005 15:48 (CEST)

Also, to solve your particular problem - work with templates. Here's how it could work:

Mind you, this is probably not the nobel-prize winning idea, but maybe a good start. --Tom 20 July 2005 15:48 (CEST)

My big problem with the use of Templates like that is that there doesn't seem to be a master list of them anywhere, and I'm afraid that we'll wind up with a whole lot of Templates that are just used once. -- Dolohov 20 July 2005 19:09 (CEST)

I think it would be a much better idea to have two pages: Morale (troop) and Morale (region). That way, the Region, Judge and Civil Work pages could all link to Morale (region). Maybe have a short overview of region morale on the region page with a link to the longer explaination. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 22:11 (CEST)