Abington/Abington School of Swordfighting/Master Placement Competition

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Master Placement Competition Overview

Since the school begins with no Masters, one must be determined in a way other than the usual Master's Proof (as there is no existing Master to best 2 out of 3). That way is the Master Placement Competition, officially begun December 1 (05).


  • Each member of the guild shall duel each other member of the guild no more, or less, than once.
  • Thus, there will be a total of 91 duels recorded for the Master Placement Competition, with each member of the guild participating in 13 duels. (This is now defunct with changing Guild membership totals. Currently only the original members at the time of the beginning of the Competition are participating, and there are only 9 of those left, hence there shall be a total of 72 duels, with each member dueling 8 times total.)


  • To best an opponent in a duel is to receive 10 points. The loser shall be deducted 10 points. Thus, there is a maximum of 130 points achievable and a minimum of -130.
  • The highest points earner shall become the first Master.
  • If there are 2 or more highest points earners, an extra duel is held between each, with extra points being recorded as necessary until one is victorious.


  • Lord Altmon, Marquis of Lanston, has fought 1 duel and won 1, achieving 10 points.
  • Sir Ansaga, Knight of Stoneville, has fought 5 duels and won 2, achieving 10 points.
  • Sir Ausliva, Knight of Swanfolk, has fought 2 duels and won 0, achieving -20 points.
  • Sir Brutus, Knight of Riverholm, has fought 2 duels and won 1, achieving 0 points. Brutus is no longer a member of the Guild.u
  • Lord Carriantor, Baron of Monagle, has fought 4 duels and won 2, achieving -20 points.
  • Sir Dambien, Knight of Webgard, has fought 1 duel and won 0, achieving -10 points. Dambien is no longer a member of the Guild.
  • Fetz, Freeman, has fought 5 duels and won 5, achieving 50 points.
  • Gauihu, Knight of Riverholm, has fought 1 duel and won 0, achieving -10 points.
  • Lady Morathi, Freewoman, has fought 3 duels and won 3, achieving 30 points.
  • Sir Nikolai Alexander, Knight of Wayburg, has fought 3 duel and won 2, achieving -10 points.
  • Lord Phlex, Count of Washford, has fought 1 duel and won 0, achieving -10 points.