Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1018/March

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2nd March

Night -- Giask

Solomon Greybrook

Solomon, gazing over the coastline of his estate in the distance one more time before heading inland, began to question the decisions that he had made. With some newly recruited infantry, Captain Hadroria, his right hand in the Greybrook Guards, was eager to break the new boys in. Recruited with the best that he could afford, Solomon also was incited by the prospect of travelling, once again. Heading inland however, was his idea. Spending most of his time in the last week or so by the coast, Solomon was bored with the sight. Excited for something new, something radical by his standards, something different.

On the road out of the city, Solomon was captivated by his own thoughts, Captain Hadroria took charge of navigating for the day. As the hours past, Solomon began to doze off. However, as his horse buckled suddenly by a passerby, horrible memories flashed in front of his eyes. In a mere second, they had vanished. "It won't happen again," Solomon muttered, awoken by the jump but startled by the vision. Looking ahead to Captain Hadroria and to his guard with blurred vision, Solomon swore as he wiped his brow of sweat, "Not again. Never again."

4th March

Evening -- Giask

Ciarghuala Dubhaine

"So have you finished playing soldiers for the day dearest?" Em arched an eyebrow quizzically as she looked up from her battered paperback, its lurid cover depicting a provocatively dressed blonde and emblazoned with vivid text in an unfamiliar script.

"It is rather expected of me Em," Ciarghuala let the heavy oak door close behind her, shrugging off her baldric to hang Shieldbane from a convenient corner of the four-poster bed. The quarters of the Grand Panetier were functional rather than opulent, a convenience for whichever worthy this Office of State fell to should they need to stay in the Capital for a few days. Still the thick goose-down mattress provided a welcome hint of comfort after a long day on the training field and the Margravine unbuckled her brigandine with an audible sigh, letting it clatter to the flagstones.

"Help yourself to tea. There's a freshly made pot on the nightstand," Em turned a page, her perfect pedicure catching the light as her feet fidgeted with the bedspread, "and Synne is running you a bath."

"How do you always manage to look so..."

"So radiant?" Em's smile lit up the room.

"I guess you could put it that way," Ciarghuala sat heavily on the edge of the bed, tugging at her boots.

"I make it a rule not to waste time on trivialities," another page turned languidly and she sipped her tea, highlighting the differing priorities of the two women.

"Teaching soldiers how to survive in battle is hardly a triviality," boots discarded, the Margravine collapsed on the bed with a heavy sigh.

Em placed her book facedown on the nightstand and turned that disarming smile of hers on Ciarghuala, "I know your work's important darling."

"But you think I overdo it..."

"You know you overdo it dearest," Em placed her head on Ciarghuala's shoulder, "Always on the move, fighting or preparing to fight, and when you're not doing that you're poring over ledgers and account books. Let the weight of the world sit on someone else's shoulders for a while."

"I wish I could," the Lady of Poryatu stared deep into those bewitching eyes, "but that's not who I was raised to be."

"Then at least let me lead you astray this evening. We've been in Giask almost a fortnight now and we've yet to paint the town red."

"I'm not even going to ask where that expression comes from," Ciarghuala ran her fingers gently through Em's hair, "but I take it you have a plan?"

"Go have your bath first and then I'll tell you all about it."

5th March

Day -- Giask

Aldrakar Renodin

A Monarch from the North

Having done away with the retinue that followed him everywhere Aldrakar breathed a sigh of relief. The air was different somehow though. He allowed his eyes to wander around but they only informed him of old familiarizes. The palace walls were still made of the same marble and stone. The servants still wore the same uniforms and the Imperial Guards still patrolled the halls. It was as he remembered it. Yet it smelled differently! A frown marred his featured but it wasn't enough to stop him now. Having journeyed all the way from the Empire's northern reaches down to the Capital of Giask.

Dressed in fine furs and satin and but absent any jewelry save for a solid gold signet ring Aldrakar calmly walked into the feasting hall where the other Nobles were already gathered and settled. A round faced winesteward made a small smile as he gracefully moved towards the Monarch. "Master Aldrakar. The words spoken softly yet with ample reverence. Might I offer you this Fissoan dry? From the hills of Mangai. Aldrakar stopped as he inspected the wine bottle that was presented to him. Mangai.. a bit of freshness would do well to start off with. As his thoughts formed his chin dipped in a minor nod. That'll do. The two men, long time acquaintances if not friends save for the barrier that status brought, shared a private smirk.

And that is how Aldrakar arrived, home away from home and ready to mingle with those present.

Matthew Coffey

"I can imagine." Matthews eyes gleamed as he followed Donald's brief description of Shinnen, a smile touching his features. "I must say, slogging through a swamp to find monsters to kill is the least of my fancies..." He trailed off, his gaze shifting toward the giant that was sir William. Or perhaps it was due to him being seated, that William seemed so much taller. Not wanting to seem rude, he once again, reluctantly, pried himself from his chair. "It is good to see you again, sir William. Please, we were just exchanging news from across the empire over a cup of wine." Stepping aside for the man, Matthew peered around the gardens again to see if others were about just yet. Satisfied that his attention was not needed immediately, he harried a nearby servant to fetch the next gift.

Presenting a fully grown man, red in the face and bearing a ridiculous outfit, Matthew bowed with a flourish to sir William. "A fool, for you, paid for one years service. I trust he will bring you and your soldiery some entertainment as you go about your honourable work in the realm." He straightened up, though his tone dropped the pomp of introductions. "He's really quite good. Juggling, jests, mock jousts..." Grinning broadly to his companion, perhaps it was becoming apparent that all of these presents were something of a mockery. That, or Matthews sense of humour was masked so professionally that he seemed genuine in these veiled gifts. What Matthew hadn't realised, or perhaps arranged as artfully, was that the fool was mimicking his movements almost perfectly the entire conversation. Without even allowing William the courteousy of response, his attention was drawn away.

A familiar voice penetrated the din of servants rushing about, easily recognised from among the junior nobles and common workers. King Aldrakar was here, and that meant things could begin to kick off. At least as far as the round lord was concerned. Giving the briefest nod or tap on the shoulder to the assembled lords and knights at the table, Matthew gestured over to their newest arrival. Once the king had selected a drink from a more senior steward, the viscount strutted up to the monarch like a stuffed pheasant, offering him a bow, toothy smile, and warm greeting. "My king, I am most pleased you have deigned to see us this day, hopefully the festivities will best your expectations. I trust the wine is to your liking? We've had several of our very own," he motioned back to the other three, "choosing the beverages on display tonight." Clapping twice above his head, apparently a signal he'd intended for the servile around the gardens, the panicked preparations began to cease and trickle out into the rest of the palace. What had been arranged thus far would do.

Now the feast could begin in earnest.

7th March

Night -- Giask

Ciarghuala Dubhaine

"Don't fidget!" Em smacked Ciarghuala's hand away as it sought to tug at the maroon tunic collar, "There's little point wearing your dress uniform dear if you're not willing to bear a little discomfort."

"You know I don't like these formal occasions," the Lady of Poryatu clasped her hands behind her back with a resigned sigh.

"That's why I gave Synne the evening off dear. She's still smarting from your comments after the last State function and would probably have brained you by now," Em stood back, admiring her handiwork, "There, every bit the dashing line officer."

Ciarghuala gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror. Her maroon tunic was elegantly tailored from fine Lurian broadcloth fastened to the collar and at both cuffs with gold buttons bearing the Imperial Crest, tightly fitted to the waist then flaring in a pleated skirt. The contrast with her white kidskin britches and the polished oxblood leather of her baldric and riding boots was striking. Even the hilt of Shieldbane was burnished to a courtly sheen. She gripped the hem of her tunic and straightened it.

"Time to go darling, we have an Empire to conquer," Em slipped her arm through Ciarghuala's, white silk evening gloves and dazzling jewels matching the glamour of her loose-fitting fringed black dress, extravagant strings of pearls woven around her neck and through her hair, and open-toed sandals with impossibly high needle-like heels.

"Grand Panetier The Most Honourable The Margravine of Poryatu Lady Ciarghuala Dubhaine and Lady Emily D'Arcy," the stentorian tones echoed through the hall as Ciarghuala and Em descended the marble stairs arm-in-arm as various worthies looked their way.

"And that's why I normally avoid these affairs," the Margravine whispered whilst casting her eye over the gathering.

"You're a powerful noble and a war hero from a renowned family. You have to expect a little attention," Em squeezed her arm, "now let's mingle and you can introduce me to all these good people."

8th March

Night -- Giask

William Fitz Roberts

Sir William accepted the viscount's gift of a fool in stony silence. Clearly the man's humour had not matured since their childhood in Poryatu together. He would find a use for the fool at some point, but doubted Matthew would approve. He turned as he heard the herald announce the arrival of the Grand Panetier. He felt that he ought pay his respect to his liege, so quickly downed the rosewater that Matthew had given him the other morning, grimacing at the flavour and wondering why on earth would anyone ever find it appetising?, and slowly made his way over to her. As he passed an alcove, he noticed the alchemist that Matthew had hired preparing his heretical tricks. Glancing back to ensure no one at the high table noticed him, he ducked into the alcove, grabbing the man from behind, placing a large hand over his mouth and pressing a dagger into the alchemist's trembling back

He leaned in close to the man's ear, speaking in a low, menacing tone, "You may have the other nobles fooled, witch, but I know what you truly are. If I see any, ANY, funny business from you this evening, know that I will not hesitate to react accordingly. I have people watching your family. All told, you have very lovely children, don't you think?"

The alchemist gasped as William released him, "you wouldn't dare, I am here at Viscount Matthew's invitation", the man stuttered

William smiled down at the man, "that response might well have just killed your family", said William, speaking in a disturbingly cheery tone, "carry on as normal this evening. If you tell anyone about our little conversation or try to leave early, my people will act accordingly", he exited the alcove quickly, almost colliding with a servant carrying wine.

Having chastised the servant for their clumsiness, he continued his path through the banquet over to the Grand Panetier.

As he drew near, he promptly bowed low and spoke in the most polite tone he knew, "My lady, I am at your service".