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Formation of Omnianism

Omnianism was originally formed by Folite, a noble of Old Rancagua and long-time lord of Salta. During the Rancagua/Old_Rancagua civil war, Folite stayed out of combat by becoming a bureaucrat but still took interest in the war, learning much about the church of Rancagua. He learned even more from members of the church who defected during the war, claiming the leaders of Rancagua were false in their usage of the religion. Indeed, it was declared a war on the clergy, not the religion.

Shortly after the war, Folite was reaching a state of spiritual reformation. His view of all living being was a noble-minded one. It was a joyous time, having peace been found and a wedding happening in the realm. By chance one day, while catching his thoughts by taking a walk through a forest in Salta just before sunrise, Folite found a clearing upon a hill. Upon entering this clearing Folite felt a mysterious essence surrounding him, as if he was much closer to all living beings then he truly was. This feeling was one of powerful, blissful joy, a feeling that he was truly where he belonged. He felt an essence that not only permeated him from the inside, but also that he felt a part of at the same time. Just then, the sun rose to the east, and Folite was bathed in beautiful resplendence. This moment had a profound and strange effect on him, and he kept the clearing secret and often returned to.

Many moons later, Folite was again in that clearing on that hill. A situation had grown between Old Rancagua and Oligarchy, one that Folite did not like, but one he refrained from formal protest against. Folite was Arch-Priest of Old Rancagua, and could do some good as such. He still voiced his disapproval, but did not persist as it would do no good. He knew that on this particular moment, the armies of Old Rancagua and Oligarchy would be meeting on the field of battle. Sitting here, feeling so close to everything, Folite suddenly felt a feeling of loss. This feeling, one that felt like part of him being ripped away, continued for roughly two hours, having started just before dawn. After it had finished, Folite did not feel as he had before, and some part of him knew that what was gone would not return in the same way it left. Later that night, he received a report from the front lines. The armies had met, and a battle had begun slightly before dawn, and had lasted two hours. This news worked through Folite's mind, and he was strongly affected by it.

Folite spent much of his time for the next week on that hill. One morning in particular he came to see something. As the sun rose, he knew it was not rising for him. The sun that rose over Old Rancagua was indeed the same sun that rose over Sirion, Oligarchy, Perdan, and everything else. The essence Folite could feel through him would leap, as the sun rose for every part of it. Everything was linked by these, as Folite felt that not only was the sun shining above everything, but that the essence also existed through them all, or rather that they all were part of the essence.

Times once again became rough. An Oligarchian plot to overthrow Old Rancagua from within had begun. Also, several nobles he knew had recently been killed barbarically by Donna Ragna. As his escape, Folite once again came to his clearing. One morning, while deeply embracing the essence and leaving his personal matters behind for other moments, one thing came to Folite's mind. "Omnia". Folite instantly knew what it meant. Omnia was the name of this essence. With this final knowledge in tow, Folite felt compelled to spread the knowledge to all, as they were indeed part of the Omnia after all.

Basic Beliefs

Omnianism at the core is the belief of an all encompassing essence called the Omnia, that not only occupies everything, but is indeed composed of everything. This essence flows through everything, and can be seen in all life. It is often said that one is “with the Omnia”, and it is common for conversations to be ended with the phrase “Go forth and be with the Omnia.” Also, Omnianism teaches religious tolerance so long as the religion in question does not harm the Omnia in any way. Barbaric faiths that practice such things as sacrifice or warmongering do much harm, and should be corrected. The Omnia also leads to the observance of certain things of holy significance:

The Light of the Sun

The sun that shines over you is the same sun that shines over all of the Omnia. It is tied in close together, for the sun provides infinitely for the Omnia. It is to be seen as a quiet but constant reminder to all as to what the Omnia is. It is that which connects us all.


We are all the same, as we are all parts of the Omnia. To tell a lie to another being is to tell a lie to yourself. It is best to help your fellow beings with truth, and as such allow the Omnia to grow for us all.


The Omnia exists in all beings. To wage war is to damage the Omnia and everything. We are all of the same essence, and should learn to coexist and live together without needlessly destroying other parts of ourselves.


The Omnia is from each of us. It should be our goal to make ourselves grow in strength of all aspects so that the Omnia shall grow along with us. Be it following physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental, the pursuit of personal strengthening and improvement in a righteous one.


The Omnia is everything and everything is the Omnia. As soon as you recognize this, you can truly begin to follow the path to glory, which is not a personal thing, but rather something to be given to everything.