Lapallanch Family/Kurlock

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Character Description
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Tales of Kurlock

Kurlock surprisingly received 80 votes despite having a rather simple platform compare to his opponents. In the following morning, Kurlock was actually elected as the new king of Sandalak. He renamed the position of king(was called 'Wyvern King') to 'Wyvern Incarnate'. Kurlock dueled Cody as soon as became the ruler of Sandalak and was killed but before everyone's eyes, he revived and walked the earth again like nothing happened.

Kurlock the Immortal

Duel Death

  • Kurlock has suffered a fatal blow in a duel against Cody. He died quickly.


  • Cody Graves, Knight of Ibyp meets his challenger Kurlock Lapallanch, Wyvern Incarnate of Sandalak, Royal of Sandalak, Knight of Adrelhia for the agreed duel till death.

Kurlock has decided to use the 'neutral' strategy while Cody has chosen the 'aggressive' strategy, giving Cody the advantage. The duel goes as planned, then badly for Kurlock. He suffers several slight wounds, then a final, fatal blow. The healers hurry, but they are too late.


  • You were dead, or so the healer claimed, before you wake up in front of everyone's eyes like nothing has ever happened. Your body still sustains a few wounds, but they are apparently healing. Astounded and bewildered, the people could find no other explanations but declare it a miracle. Words of your miraculous revival soon spread. (OOC: New character protection.)

First Ruler Referendum Result

  • 82 votes for Kinron
  • 80 votes for Kurlock

Second First Ruler Referendum Result

  • 84 votes for Kurlock
  • 82 votes for Kinron

Rumors and Images related to Kurlock

Isenthorpe Tezokian

  • Kurlock is bred from the blood of the giants. He towers over his enemies as a windmill stands over blades of grass. Do not insult the honorable Lord-Commander Kurlock, for his very gaze in your direction has the power to set you ablaze in a single instance.
  • Kurlock the Destroyer of Worlds will charge at you with the speed of the wind and the fury of the volcanoes on his legendary and mighty war-beast steed. No other could tame the great war-beast of mythic legend, thousands of people died trying. But when Kurlock approached the war-beast, he looked at it in the eyes, and it immediately knelt in submission, even though the Great Kurlock War-Ender could mount the war-beast while it was standing without lifting a foot from the ground. Kurlock the Great will rain fire down upon you with a mere thought, blasphemer!
  • The Lord-Commander Kurlock, Guardian of Sandalak will see your threats do not go unmet. Speak your poison elsewhere, black stepper, for you will find no refuge for them here under the domain of Kurlock Supreme.

Thorvald Gottfried

  • I want Kurlock to lead us into battle on his "beast", also known as "the goat", "the charger", and of course his first companion on his way to manhood and total rule. His "giant" chargers are to be reckoned with, and I will support him for rulership and so SHOULD YOU!!!

Misty Ketchum

  • Let us choose the most handsome noble in the whole realm. Personally I support Kurlock as I find him to be more handsome than the rest of us, no offense intended. No offense needed anyway since we do not have Judge yet. My choice is Kurlock the Handsome!


Chapter 1

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As the sun set and darkness covered the sky, a midget appeared in the southern gate of Adrelhia with a small group of armed soldiers. Riding a miniature horse, Kurlock the Midget finally set his foot on the sunken island. He could see peasants working hard to rebuild structures left behind by the former residences of the area. Roads were already constructed around the village, connecting the village to other parts of the island. Of course the road was still in poor condition compare to his homeland but it was good enough to lead people to various places.

While waiting for his step daughter, Kurlock decided to stay in the village for a bit longer. He took one of the empty estates in the village located on the only hill around the area and ordered his men to rest. While his men were busy cleaning and unpacking in the newly acquired estate, Kurlock looked over the village from his estate and started to contemplate on his new home.

Chapter 2

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Kurlock was polishing his toe crusher when a courier came into his room with a letter.

"Kurlock wants to know what this letter is about."

"I believe it is an update for the ruler election. They've counted about half when I left."

Kurlock opened the letter and read through the top of the letter quickly.

Kinron - 39 votes Kurlock -36 votes

When Kurlock saw the name Kinron above his name he fed the letter to his mighty beast.

About an hour after the incident, another courier came into his room with a letter.

"Is this another update for the election, little man?"

"Yes, Sir."

Kurlock read the letter and this time instead of feeding it to his beast he put it carefully under his leg chopper. Then he pulled two silver coins from his pocket and gave it to the courier. The first two lines of the letter were different from the previous letter.

Kurlock - 80 votes Kinron - 79 votes

When Kurlock picked up his toe crusher to oil it to finish the polishing, yet another courier entered his room. With a smile Kurlock welcomed the courier.

"Kurlock already knows what the letter is going to say but Me will read it nonetheless. Give it to Kurlock and take these coins."

"Two gold coins? Really Sir? This is the first time I've even seen one!"

While the courier was testing the gold coins by putting them between his teeth, Kurlock opened the letter. After reading the first two lines of the letter like he did with his previous letters, Kurlock slowly ripped the letter then fed it to his beast. Then grabbed his toe crusher with his shaking hand and looked around the room only to find the courier with two gold coins between his teeth. Before he could control his rage, Kurlock swung his toe crusher and crushed the three right toes of the courier.

The two gold coins the courier received ended up becoming his payment to see a doctor.

Chapter 3

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As Kurlock entered the city of Sandalak to attend the coronation of Kinron the First Wyvern King of the Sandalak Empire and to duel Cody as he promised, a courier approached Kurlock.

When he was about to pull his toe crusher to hammer the courier's toes like he did in his estate, the courier bowed before him. While Kurlock was debating if he should smash the courier's head instead of his toes, the courier began to hail Kurlock.

"All hail King Kurlock!"

"King Kurlock? Kurlock thinks this little man can't read. Kinron is the king, not Kurlock."

"No, your majesty. We recounted our votes and found 4 missing votes! You beat Duke Kinron by 2 votes!"

"Kurlock is the real king? Kurlock knew something was wrong! Tell little Cody he will get his duel in the evening. Kurlock has to sit on the throne first!"

As Kurlock was about to kick his beast to ride toward the palace, the courier stopped Kurlock.

"Your majesty! I've heard you are a generous man! May I benefit from your legendary generosity like my friends who went to deliver messages to you?"

"Little courier is a smart man. Kurlock is indeed generous. Me will offer the little man some choices. The little man's first friend didn't get anything because he brought bad news to Kurlock. The second friend got 2 silver coins from Kurlock for bring good news. Now, does the little man want to be rewarded like the second friend or the third friend?"

"Uh- you didn't tell me about the third friend. What did he get?"

"He got 2 gold coins and Kurlock's toe crusher."

"Toe crusher? I don't quite understand what you mean-"

"Choose before Kurlock leaves!"

"I will go with the third-"

Kurlock quickly got off his mount and tossed two gold coins high in the air. The courier looked upward to see where his coins were and missed Kurlock pulling his toe crusher out from his beast. Before he knew it, Kurlock's toe crusher struck its target with full force.

Chapter 4

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As Kurlock arrived in the biggest square of Sandalak, he saw his opponent Cody waiting for him in the center. Kurlock's mount, now known as 'the beast', scratched the ground with its hoofs as Kurlock pulled his toe crusher to duel Cody. Only a single weapon was allowed for this death duel and the duel was to be continued until one of them fell.

As the mediator explained the rules, Kurlock spit shined his toe crusher, making it more shiner and deadlier with every spit.

Kurlock stared into Cody's eyes until the mediator stopped talking, signaling the start of the duel. Kurlock and Cody exchanged blows and swings until an opportunity arose for Kurlock to land his toe crusher to crush all of Cody's right toes.

"Kurlock wins little Cody! Time to say good bye to your toes!"

Little did Kurlock knew the major flaw with his attack. There was a simple solution to his world ending move and it was executed perfectly by Cody.

A simple yet elegant maneuver called 'jump' made Kurlock's attack obsolete, leaving him open to a fatal attack which Cody delivered swiftly.

With a single attack, Cody punctured a hole into Kurlock's skull, ending his life quickly. Healers rushed to Kurlock but they knew no mortal could survive such a serious injury.

They shook their heads then told the mediator Kurlock was no more.

An hour later, soldiers carried Kurlock's dead body to have it cremated on the very place where Cody defeated Kurlock. They placed Kurlock's body on top of an wooden alter and placed a hundred torches. Soon the fire started to engulf the alter and people watched as Kurlock's body become a blurry figure in the center of the fire, a miracle happened. They heard a scream of agony and pain from the alter. Before they knew it, Kurlock jumped out of the burning alter and began to roll on the ground. Soldiers quickly brought buckets of water to put fire engulfing Kurlock's body out.

Kurlock despite having burnt hairs and not wearing anything, stood up and shouted his name out loud to show everyone he was alive once again.

Chapter 5

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As Kurlock finished reading the last letter that came to his desk, a courier entered Kurlock's chamber with a small bag.

"Kurlock believes today is the tax day? Kurlock can't wait to see the bag."

"Your holiness. There has been a problem with the tax collection. The bag-"

"Fifty gold? What? Is the little man trying to pull a funny joke?"

"No, your holiness! I am only a lowly servant! I brought you a message from-"

As the courier got on his knees, Kurlock got off his chair and walked toward the eastern corner of his room where his weapons and armor were kept. Ever since Kurlock became the chosen of the Wyvern and the Griffin, many nobles sent Kurlock different weapons to buy his favor but Kurlock's eyes were only fixated on one weapon, the toe crusher. Despite showing some flaws against more agile opponents, the toe crusher hasn't lost Kurlock's trust. As Kurlock put his weapon hand on the toe crusher, the courier found something from his bag and quickly turned to face Kurlock.

"Your holiness, administrators couldn't collect taxes this week! There is no gold to collect tax from in Sandalak!"

"No gold? Why is that?"

"Some administrators claim that peasants aren't ready to pay their taxes yet because peasants themselves have arrived on this island not too long ago and crops haven't had time to fully grow yet."

"Hmm. That is understandable. Me will spare the peasants this time. Kurlock knows no crop means no gold."

With a bit of disappointment, Kurlock put his toe crusher away.

Chapter 6

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Kurlock heard of his daughter's defeat and not so long after the news, his daughter's body was delivered to him.

Her skull was split in half and it was hard to distinguish who she was by looking at her face but from her height, Kurlock could tell it was Mekurlok.

"Kurlock wants her body to be preserved well. Once Kurlock's armies take Cave of Guilt, Kurlock wants her body to be placed in one of the caves. Kurlock heard the Wyvern and his children live in the caves. Kurlock wants her body to join them. Also, Kurlock wants her name to be carved on the walls of the hall of the fallen."

As his servants took Mekurlock's small body away, a courier came to deliver Kurlock a message.

"Your holiness. The referendum result is in. Loremistress Elissa has failed to garner enough support to win the vote of confidence."

"Elissa is out? So Kurlock needs to appoint a new Loremaster? More work for Kurlock it seems."

Chapter 4

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 4

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 4

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 4

Roleplay from Kurlock Lapallanch   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (84 recipients)