New Westmoor

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 War and politics across the East continent 1 July 1013

Lots has happened since New Westmoor was last in print. Since March the war took a turn for the worse for Westmoor due to politics in the south. After the Al Arab incident the duke of Al Arab then ceded the duchy to Caligus who promised to return it rightfully to the kingdom of Eponllyn. Caligus blaming Perdan for this act decided to launch a surprise attack on Perdanese lands which Perdan preempted and launched a counterattack defeating the Caligus army bringing a situation of war between Caligus and Perdan. This took Perdan and Armonia out of the north. Armonia wishing to expand into Eponllyn lands due to the longstanding rivalry between Queen Siana and Queen Autrey proposed a plot to king Atanamir of Perdan to war Eponllyn. This was refused as Perdan had no wish to create a second “Ibladesh” out of Eponllyn's ashes.

This chaos in the south left Westmoor to fight Sirion and Nivemus. Worse still the Obsidian Islands suffered a terrible plague (suspected brought across the sea from Dwilight Merchants) which wiped out half of the ruling elite of the realm. Thus it has been for the last two months that Westmoor has been soundly defeated by the realm of Sirion and brought into a state of surrender. Also a few months back King Jor Tanos was severely wounded by a Sirion infiltrator and has been replaced on the crown by King Thomas Foxglove. After a similar wounding Antonius Turner was replaced by Gregor Relak as Lord Justice. The General position vacated by King Thomas was taken by Lord General Cross ThunderStrike. Recently in the last week the acting Treasurer who has served Westmoor for many years Maliki Nautilus decided to retire from the position and has been replaced with this paper's editor Mathros Hagakure. Thus the entire council of Westmoor has been replaced in only a few months.

To add to the extraordinary events on the second of last month longstanding faithful member of the realm Armstrong Ironsides has ceded the city of Oligarch to create the new realm of Fane. This realm has stood now for almost an entire month but is now slowly falling to the might of Sirion which stormed the city in a massive battle involving Sirion and defending former Westmoor militia mostly inherited from Corwin's regime over the city. Armstrong's message relating to his actions have been published on our letter's page and were not supported by the government of Westmoor.

Meanwhile the war in the south has fared considerably well for Perdan considering it was being attacked by three realms. Perdan recently stormed Akesh Temple and successfully rouged a huge number of regions in Eponllyn. Caligus and Armonian troops recently won a victory in Leibo which comes after a long string of defeats at the hand of the Perdanese armies. More on the war in the south in coming issues.

New Westmoor moves to Morshes

Since the long closed New Westmoor printing house was garrisoned by Sirion soldiers for the door to door fighting inside Fane a new printing house has been opened in Morshes. Although it is a disappointment to lose the very prestigious location in Oligarch the building and printing costs inside Morshes are considerably cheaper especially when the editor controls the treasury, court and tax office of Morshes.




Regional News
1 July 1013

Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Braga. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Leibo: (rogue), Perdan vs. Armonía, Caligus Estimated strengths: 880 men vs. 940 men The Perdan's Murderous Wrath (Perdan), sponsored by ][osferatu Reapers, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Partora, Margrave of Partora, were led into battle by Marshal Saul Claireborne. The Perdan's Royal Lions (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Banker of Perdan, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, were led into battle by Marshal Damayan Laegan. The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, Royal of Caligus, Marshal of Caligus' Golden Talons, were led into battle by Marshal Dobromir Menethil. The Armonian Combat Elite (Armonía), sponsored by Lady Autrey Bendix, Queen of Armonía, Royal of Armonía, Duchess of Itorunt, Margravine of Itorunt, Marshal of Armonian Combat Elite, were led into battle by Marshal Autrey Bendix. Sir Furious II Bendix, Knight of Xavax was captured by Joreb deLacy's unit.

Defender Victory!