In The Folds/Ticker

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June 9, 2013
Region Exchange
Blank.png Haktoo has handed over the region of Gonophor to Asylon. The people are not very happy.

New Ambaßador
Blank.png Grimrog Bjarnson, King of Asylon, Royal of Asylon, Duke of Bloodmoon, Earl of Via has promoted Græth Geg, Ambaßador of Asylon, Duke of Berserk Bear, Margrave of Echiur, Priest of Cult of Bloodmoon to ambaßador of the realm.

Huge Battle Fought
Blank.png Rumours ſpread and tales are ſung about a huge battle in Madina. Grand Duchy of Fißoa, Luria Nova vs. The Falkirkian Freestate. Estimated ſtrengths: 1160 men vs. 210 men. The Fißoa Privateers (Grand Duchy of Fißoa), ſponsored by ſir Eldrond Nabarl, Royal of Grand Duchy of Fißoa, Earl of Fißoa Fields, were led into battle by Marshal Edward Blackmane. Loathin Fantom, Duke of Fißoa, Margrave of Fißoa is ſpotted wielding the Brilliant Axe of Bloodletting. Attacker Victory!

New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of Terran has elected Alaster Kabrinski as its new Grandmaster.

New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of D'Hara has elected Pierre von Genf as its new Prime Minister.

Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Libero Empire has reconfirmed Veles ſobczek in the position of King.

Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Barca has reconfirmed Julius Galvez in the position of ſuffete.
Ruler Re-Elected
Blank.png The realm of Farronite Republic has reconfirmed Khari Kye in the position of Governor General.
New Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of ſwordfell has elected ſilas Kain as its new Lord Imperator.